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movie series: star wars (spans rogue one and the third episode)


Corbyn's POV

I will never forget that day.

TIE fighters had blown part of our ship straight out into space. Me and Jonov had made it to our escape pod just in time, but Christina didn't.

Until she did.

She used the Force to move herself into our pod. I don't even know how she knew how to use the Force. I had set her onto a makeshift stretcher just as Jonov pulled us into hyperspace. We caught up with the main cruiser in time and Christina was able to get treated. But she still hasn't woken up from her coma.


I gripped her hand, still cold and unmoving under the bedsheets.

"You are insane."

I sighed. "You really don't give up. I can feel you fighting right now. I know you have always wanted to be on the front lines, fighting against the First Order like Jyn and your brother Cassian."

She didn't respond as usual. "Princess Leia received the Death Star plans from Jyn. We're not in the cruiser anymore. Jonov and I took a ETA-2 Starfighter. Darth Vader took the cruiser and the princess, but some of us managed to escape. We don't have any idea where anything is, what's going on. Jonov's trying to touch base with Rebel headquarters.

"Alderaan's gone, as well as Jedha. Scarif, too. Jonov is trying to get you to come back to us as fast as he can. I need you, Christina."

A tear slid down my cheek as, like the past three days, she didn't respond.

Christina's POV

Space had frozen everything.

It had frozen my whole body. The only parts that weren't frozen were my brain and my heart.

I heard Corbyn come every day. I could hear him tell me whatever was going on. I couldn't move. I think he was holding my hand. I don't know.

I wasn't sure how many days passed when Corbyn came in. He was talking about something, I don't remember what. I was more focused on the slight warmth in my hand.

I frowned in my head. I hadn't felt that there since I froze.

"Jonov and I stopped to buy some foodstuff. We had to barter quite a bit, but we managed to get enough to sustain us for a couple days. They almost turned us in to clone troopers, but we were fast enough and got out of there. I remember seeing a burnt hole there that looked a lot like a moisture farm. We've been looking for signs of the Rebellion..."

I tried to move my fingers. Surprisingly, it worked. Not only that, but my hand was in someone else's.


"Holy shit, Christina," I heard him gasp. "Jonov, get in here!"

I heard Jonov stomp in. "What?"

"Christina moved!" Corbyn exclaimed, his happiness evident in his voice.

Third Person POV

Corbyn touched down on the Rebellion headquarters. He and Jonov are instantly greeted and welcomed. Christina is immediately treated.

Corbyn and Jonov are sent onto missions soon after. They join in on the attack of the Death Star. Jonov and Corbyn are soon declared MIA as Christina finally wakes.

The girl walks over to her window, hoping that her love and her best friend would come back. She has been walking and eating for the past week, making up for the near month that she had been in a coma.

"In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way," she said softly, looking up at the stars. "I wish I knew where you went. I don't believe you're gone yet. Just give me a sign, and I will know."

What she assumes to be a shooting star shoots across the sky. She smiles and goes to sleep.

Meanwhile, Jonov and Corbyn are flying in hyperspace back to headquarters, having flown away from the exploded Death Star. However, they were still caught in the the blast from it and were sent spiraling into space, almost no fuel left and a bare minimum of supplies. However, they managed to land on a nearby planet and regain supplies, enough to send them back to the Rebel headquarters.

"Where's she?" are the first words out of Corbyn's mouth. He gets directions to Christina's room, where the girl hasn't fallen asleep yet.

In an instant, Corbyn is by her side. He kisses her as soon as she sits up. They relish in the riddance of the thing that has kept them apart for so long.


Ok so I saw solo: a Star Wars story
Compared to rogue one or tlj: 5/10
Not bad just kinda slow

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