do it again - janiel

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Jack crouched in the bathroom of the small plane, hoping that the plane will take off before anyone finds him in there. Honestly, this would probably be the dumbest mistake of his life. But, as long as he gets away from whatever the hell was going on with his parents, he'll be fine.

    He slid out the wad of cash he took from his father's bank account from his jean pocket and counted it. 100 Ben Franklins, and the same in his other pocket. He hoped that would be enough to cover his living expenses wherever this person was going.

    He sat on the toilet seat cover as the intercom crackled and announced, "Destination: L.A.", among some other stuff, like the weather and time. L.A. That's a long shot from where Jack moved last.

    Jack didn't want to be forced into choosing a parent to live with. If he really had the choice, he would've chosen both. In the same house. Without the divorce.

    But, to be completely honest with himself, he probably would have chosen his mom. It wasn't her that cheated on a marriage. Or maybe his dad. He would give Jack the most stable life.

    Nah. He would've ran from either of them eventually.

    He must've fallen asleep against the bathroom door because the next thing he remembered is suddenly falling to the floor in front of a really cute boy. A really, really cute boy.

    "Wow, didn't know strangers came as part of the American Idol experience," the stranger joked as Jack got to his feet. "I'm Daniel, who're you?"

    "Jack," Jack replied, shaking the boy's hand. His gaze traveled over his brown hair, his boyish appearance, and the two strikingly blue eyes staring back at him. He was wearing a plain t-shirt and ripped jeans as well as white Converse. "Nice to meet you, Daniel."

    "You, too, Jack," the boy grinned, sitting down on an empty seat. Now that Jack finally got to actually look at the plane they were in, it seemed to be a private jet with barely ten seats, half of them not even full. "What brings you to the bathroom of the plane?"

    "I needed to get away from a bit," Jack muttered, not meeting the other one's gaze. "It's kinda personal."

    Daniel nodded, deciding not to push it. Instead, he moved on to different and/or ...... interesting topics, ranging from the weather to science fiction to why he hates chocolate. Jack soon grew at ease with Daniel and started trading him story for story, joke for joke. By the time the plane set in the palm-splattered, hot landscape of LA, the boys felt like they've known each other their whole lives.

    "You said you were going to American Idol?" Jack questioned, eating a Power Bar he had found in one of the drawers. He savored the barklike taste, it being the only he's eaten in almost 24 hours now.

    "Yeah," Daniel grinned. "I made it to auditions here in L.A. Includes all the perks. Hotel room, food, you name it."

    "Nice," Jack said, stuffing the rest of the bar in his mouth. He didn't want to answer any questions that involved why the hell he was on a random airplane or what he was going to do in L.A.

    "Want to play twenty questions?" Daniel grinned as Jack gulped down the rest of his bar. He nodded, sitting across from Daniel. "Siblings?"

    Jack shook his head. "You?"

    "Yeah," Daniel replied. "Mom?"

    Jack paused for a moment, then nodded. "Past relationships?"

    "A couple boyfriends," Daniel said nonchalantly. Jack's eyes widened. He's gay and really cute.

    Daniel's gaze dropped to his hands, playing with his fingers as he asked, "This is kind of prying, but....divorce?"

    Jack nodded, his throat tight. "How'd you know?"

    "Another friend of mine had a divorce," the boy sighed. Jack's heart rate marginally picked up, realizing that Daniel considered him a friend. "I saw you pause when you said you had a mom, and you didn't really want to talk about your parents, but you had both."

    "Yeah," Jack sighed. "It's just....I kind of ran away from home. I have nowhere to go, no one to go to..." His shoulders heaved. "I don't know. I just have a wad of cash with me and the clothes on my back. And I don't ever want to go back."

    Daniel moved towards the smaller boy, wrapping his arms around him and placing his head on his shoulder, nearly causing Jack to fall back into the seat. Jack hesitantly placed his arms around Daniel's waist, not used to hugs from strangers. Daniel's warmth flowed through Jack, sending a fuzzy feeling from his head to his toes. He let himself slowly break down on Daniel's shoulder, the reality of the situation hitting him.

    After a few moments, a stark thought came to Jack and he placed his hands on the other boy's waist, signaling that he wanted Daniel to let go. Daniel did so, confused by the even sadder and broken face on his new friend.

    "Why?" Jack whispered. "Why would you be so nice to me? I hijacked your plane and brought my problems on you."

    "Because I like you," Daniel said, trying to keep it as casual as possible and not full of the desperate hopeless sappiness that his voice usually became when addressing cute guys. "And, to be honest, the only other people here to talk to are my dad and the pilot, and both are over fifty."

    "Thank you," Jack smiled a genuine, too-wide-for-his-face smile, stretching from ear to ear and making Daniel blush and want the guy sitting across from him to be his.

    Daniel started leaning in, only to be surprised by a pair of lips on his already. He giggled against Jack's lips as nose bumped into nose, fingers touched skin, and hands held hair. They kissed each other for a solid minute before Daniel pulled away to get air.

    "Do it again," Jack smiled. Daniel matched his grin and leaned in once more.

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