weasleys' wizard wheezes

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book series: harry potter by jk rowling

I didn't like my first version so I made a new one lol


"James! Where do you think you're going?" Nyneve glared at her eldest son, who had been eyeing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes for the past fifteen minutes and had now decided to make a break for it.

"There," James replied glumly, pointing at the brilliantly lit shop.

As usual, fireworks lit up the windows, displaying colorful posters proclaiming things like the classic Puking Pastille or the recently launched variation of Canary Creams. It was packed to bursting, the windows revealing spectacles of immense doses of insanity, most of which was caused by the hilarity of the products and the jostling of the customers.

"Can't you ever wait for your father and your sister? It's her first time getting a wand you know," Nyneve snapped, grabbing her thirteen-year old son by the elbow and pulling him next to her.


"Do you want your broomstick to be taken away from you?"

With that, James shut up. She knew that Quidditch was the one thing he was looking for, especially being a Chaser on the Ravenclaw team.

Nyneve swore that the boy hasn't gotten off his broomstick this whole summer. Having been made reserve Chaser last year, he was desperate to get on the team this year. It didn't really help that one of his dad's best friends, the legendary Jonah Marais, was a well-known Quidditch player in the Gryffindor House during his stint at the wizarding school.

Daniel came out of Ollivander's, followed by Naia, who was holding up a wand proudly. "Aspen, eleven inches, phoenix feather core."

"It looks amazing, dear," Nyneve said proudly. She turned to James, "Now we can go to that joke store."

James wasted no time in all but running towards the store, Naia on his heels. Daniel wrapped an arm around Nyneve, whispered into her ear, so close she could feel his lips on the skin and cartilage, "I love you."

"I love you, too," Nyneve smiled, hugging him and resting her head on his shoulder. They walked into the store together, like they had years earlier.


Nyneve made her way down the stairs towards the Great Hall for breakfast, bypassing a squad of Slytherins and a few Hufflepuffs as she slid into the seat next to her best friend, Daniel.

"Daniel, you seriously didn't have to fill my plate up. I can get food just fine," she huffed when she realized her fellow Ravenclaw had already filled up her plate with her favorites.

"I was bored," Daniel grinned at the glare Nyneve shot him. "Besides, it's not like you're going to actually pay attention while you eat."

"I like reading," Nyneve grumbled. Daniel just shook his head and stuffed him face with more food.

Daniel couldn't help but glance at Nyneve here and there. He had spent the summer again at her family's beach house, as his Muggle parents didn't really understand magic, or more like they didn't really try to understand. So, he guessed, whatever he was feeling for her must've stemmed from that.

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