cant dance

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song used: cant dance by meghan trainor


I was turning it up during Homecoming, jamming it out while my friends danced around me. We hadn't landed any dates, but we had each other, sufficing for the lack of guys. Who needs them anyways?

    After an extremely fun yet exhausting song, I excused myself from my friend group to grab a water bottle from the drinks table. I downed a couple before noticing a cute boy, cute as hell. He was standing by himself in the corner. He had blonde hair styled messily on top of his head and blue eyes. He was almost a foot taller than me, but that didn't stop me from grabbing him by the hand.

    "What's your name?" I shouted over the music.

    He looked scared for a second before responding, "C-Corbyn."

    "I'm Christina, nice to meet you," I grinned, shaking the hand I was holding. He smiled shyly and shook. "What are you doing here?"

    "I honestly have no idea," he confessed. My grin only widened as I pulled him into the mass of bodies. He immediately yanked me back before I could get to the outskirts of the people, causing me to crash into him. "What's wrong?"

    "Oh, I can't dance," he said, his eyes wide. I laughed.

    "That's fine, just keep in time and show off what you got," I said, pulling him towards my friends. "If you mess up, boy, I won't mind as long as you don't stop."


Even if you can't dance just hold my hips
Hold my hands while I roll my hips
Even if you can't dance I'll handle it
Follow me and don't stop
Oh, na na, don't stop
Woah, na na, don't stop


    Corbyn's hands rested on my hips as my hands lay on his shoulders. I moved my body to the music as he copied some of my actions. I smirked at his "dancing."

    "Keep your eyes on me," I coached. I sang, "I'mma teach you a lesson."

    He just grinned. "What do I need to do?"

    "You just gotta move in my direction," I said, moving backwards and forwards in time with the rhythm. I closed my eyes, letting the music seep through me and flow in my blood.

    "Christina?" Corbyn's voice brought me back to earth. He had this anxious look on his face. "There's people looking at me weirdly."

    "Keep your eyes on me," I whispered in his ear a tad sexily, if I'm being honest. "Being anxious ain't an option."

    "I ain't got no plans of stopping," he grinned at me, tugging my waist closer to him.

    "There ya go," I grinned.


Even if you can't dance just hold my hips
Hold my hands while I roll my hips
Follow me and don't stop
Oh, na na, don't stop
Woah, na na, don't stop
If you can't dance just hold my hips
If you can't dance I'll handle it
If you can't dance don't stand and watch
If you can't dance I'll make it hot
Woah, na na, don't stop
Oh, na na, don't stop


    "How do you do this?" Corbyn asked, watching me mix in a little hip hop to our dance.

    "Stand and watch while I make it hot," I smirked, pushing him away with my pointer finger. "Even if you can't dance I'mma make it hot."

    I pulled my girls over. "Follow me and don't stop."

    We immediately hit a routine that we had practiced before, fitting it to the music. I saw Corbyn bite his lip as he stared at me.


If you can't dance just hold my hips
If you can't dance I'll handle it
If you can't dance don't stand and watch
If you can't dance I'll make it hot
Oh, na na, don't stop
Woah, na na, don't stop babe


    As the song ended, I went over to Corbyn. "How was that?"

    "That was amazing," he grinned. His eyes diverted to my lips. I smiled, leaning in when--

    "The dance is officially over. You are free to leave." With that, the lights flicked on and immediately everyone groaned, including me.

    "I'll see you?" I smiled at Corbyn.

    "Sure," he said. I pecked his cheek and brushed past his shoulder, trying not to be endeared by the lovesick look on his face.

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