park bench

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In this world, once your soulmate touches you, you see memories with them in the future. However, if one person in a couple touches the other and does not see future memories, or vice versa, then they are not soulmates. Both members of the couple must be receiving future memories for them to be soulmates.

inspo: feels by @-jachary


Aivy glanced down at her phone, trying to load whatever text Daniel was sending faster.

I don't have the visions.

That one text sent her into blurry spirals. Tears fell onto the lighted screen, her knuckles white as she gripped her phone screen, curling into a ball on the park bench.

Everyone knew that your significant other telling you they hadn't gotten visions was like being dumped. It just wasn't a good thing, leading on other people when you know they're not your soulmate.

Andyetbutso Aivy had just gotten dumped.

She had sworn that the visions were so real: her and Daniel in a two-story home with three kids; her and Daniel, hand-in hand as they walked the boardwalk, a glittering ring on Aivy's hand; her and Daniel, eating dinner with friends, drinking wine and talking about the news, college diplomas on the wall displaying their kids' accomplishments.

Not to mention that she genuinely felt like he was her soulmate. He was charming, a bit shy, but he seemed like her missing piece.

But that was all a lie, she thought angrily, tears streaming furiously down her cheeks. Everything, everything was a lie.


Jack skated through the gate of the park. The wheels rolled smoothly on the pavement as he headed towards the skate park. Okay, so the oil that that Jonah guy gave me does work, he mused. He made a mental note to buy more later.

He scanned the park for pedestrians so that he didn't hit anyone when he was passing through. The only person he saw was a figure curled up on a bench about a hundred yards away.

As he neared the person, he could hear sobbing sounds from under her mess of wavy curls. He slowed to a stop, wondering if he should do anything.

He sat down next to the girl (at least, he guessed it was a girl) and leaned next to her, trying to keep his distance just in case it was prank (his friends were renowned for their pranks), "Hey, are you okay?"

The girl lifted her head, tucking a few locks of hair behind her ears. Her face was streaked with tear tracks, glistening silver in the morning spring light. She slowly sat up, sniffling as she did so. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He sat down beside her, pretty sure she wasn't fine. His brain whirred with the possibilities of why she was crying. "Did your brother's flamethrower accidentally hit your dad's car, blowing it up in a huge nuclear explosion and causing him to blame you, which is why you ran away from your home in Narnia to this lower—ah, world, area, whatever?"

"What?" The girl laughed. Her laugh was something Jack could hear for years. He wished he'd be there to make her laugh until the day she died.

But his soulmate.

"Is that not what happened?" he asked, feigning innocence. The girl grinned before looking down at a blue phone clutched in her hands.

"No," she replied, gesturing at the device, "my boyfriend t-told me he wasn't receiving v-visions."

Jack's mouth formed an O. He'd been on the giving and receiving end a fair few times. He was no stranger to those words.

"Hey," he said, touching her hand.

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