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In this world, everything is black and white. When you finally meet your soulmate, every contact of skin flashes color to your brain. Once soulmates kiss a true love's kiss, then color is revealed permanently.

soulmate inspo: again kepotts21 because I think she told me about this idea like a while ago but idk at this point we just keep inspiring each other **perks of being best friends amiright?**

plot inspo: cassettes cigarettes on balconies plot idea from her book coffeeshop soundtrack


Zach sat on the chair on the balcony of his rented apartment in Paris, France.

He sighed.

He's been trying to write music ever since he finished his last album. But, as of recent, he'd come up with nothing good enough for him. And even that wasn't enough.

Someone got out of the balcony behind him. He heard the all-too familiar click of a lighter, then a puff of smoke drifted back to him. He turned around.

A beautiful girl was standing behind him. Though it was cliche, Zach swore it was different this time than the other pretty girls he met. She was wearing skinny jeans and a baggy sleeveless top, heels finishing her outfit. She looked like the perfect photo in the Parisian world, exotic enough to stand out, yet confident enough to assure one that she belonged here. A cigarette was dancing in her hand as she exhaled.

Zach stood up, deciding to strike up conversation with her. He fumbled around in his pockets for his own pack of cigarettes. Waving his hand to get the girl's attention, he pointed at the lighter. "Can I borrow--"

"Putain, qu'est-ce que tu fous?" the girl exclaimed, clutching the lighter and cigarettes to her chest. Zach looked at her confusedly, only to be met by a fierce glare. "Reste loin de moi!"

"Uhhh....," Zach said apprehensively, racking his brain for the little French he knew. "Excusez—moi, je ne parle pas français."

"You speak English?" The girl said hesitatingly and with a strong accent. Zach nodded. "Erm, what deu you wont?

He pointed to the lighter again. "Lighter."

The girl looked down at the metal instrument in her hands. "Ah, oui, oui. Tenez, s'il vouz plait."

"Merci," he replied, lighting his own cigarette and taking a drag before handing the lighter back to the girl.

It happened.

As soon as his fingers touched hers, the world burst into bright Technicolor. New colors burst at him like fireworks in the night sky and faded to their usual black and white once his skin left the girl's.

"Bordel de merde, la vache—" That was all Zach recognized before the other girl's speech evolved into fast French under her breath. He wondered if they were curse words; they sounded really elegant compared to American vulgar language.

He knew what had happened, he just didn't fully grasp what had happened yet.

A thought, bright as whatever he had just seen his world turn into, struck his mind.

She's my soulmate.


Reina knew what had happened. She's heard stories, after all, from the lucky ones who had already found their soulmates. From her parents.

As soon as his finger left hers, she had stared at the boy on the balcony for a few minutes before shaking her head as if to detangle what had just happened and walking into her apartment, cluttered with paintings and paints.

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