oddities and beauties

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Joellyn's POV

Jack and I walked hand in hand alongside the beach, the sun not yet risen yet. I let go of Jack's hand and walked forward, dancing and leaping in the sand.

    "You're an odd one, Joellyn," Jack grinned, watching me spin around.

    "It was your choice to date me," I replied. "I told you I was a weird one when I first met you."

    He nodded. "That's true."

    We walked on for a little bit until the sun's rays started to peek over the horizon. I slid my sandals off and ran into the ocean, holding my knee length skirt up so that it wouldn't touch the water. I kicked around, splashing water everywhere as Jack took his flip-flops off and joined me in the ocean.

    A sudden spray of cold water hit my back, soaking my loose white shirt. "Hey!"

    Jack laughed, but was stopped by a wave of water hitting him in the front. He narrowed his eyes at me. "You are so going to pay for that."

    I just shrugged, kind of expecting the splash to come. We ran around, splashing each other with the cold Pacific water on the coast of California.

    "Jack!" I squealed when he suddenly picked me up and tossed me onto his shoulder, running as fast as he could in the water. "Put me down!"

    He ignored me and kept running. However, he stumbled over something in the water, causing me to fall in the waves. I resurfaced and stood up, completely wet. "Jack!"

    My anger soon turned into confusion. "Jack? Where are you?"

    My nose filled with ocean water again as I was drenched a second time. But this time, Jack helped me up, a grin stuck on his face. "You okay?"

    "You're so mean," I frowned, spitting out ocean water. "I hate wet clothes."

    "Could be worse," he shrugged.

    My eyes widened. "Where are our sandals?" I ran in the direction where we came from, not worrying about my wet skirt anymore or the fact that my shirt was drenched, as well as my underwear. I could hear Jack following me, muttering random stuff under his breath. I nearly stumbled over our sandals, but I did find them.

    Jack came up to me, panting. "You worry over the weirdest things."

    "I don't want good sandals to go to waste," I said, holding them up. He just smiled, shaking his head.

    "You're so cute when you're anxious about something," he said, coming up towards me. His arm wrapped around my waist as I let the sandals slide from my fingers.

    "Well, what do you propose?" I smiled slightly as he pulled me closer to him.

    "I don't know," he shrugged as he closed the gap between us.


    I tossed my wet clothes in the washer as Jack came out of the shower. He took the change of clothes that he left in my apartment in case of emergencies and tossed his stuff in the washers before heading back to the shower. I hit a few buttons and shut the door.

    I stretched out on the couch once that deed was done. I had already changed and showered. There wasn't really anything for me to do as I had taken the day off of work.

    I rolled over onto my stomach, trying to find a comfortable position on the couch. It was a couple of moments before I felt a weight lie on top of me.

    "Jack, get off, you're heavy," I said, trying to move under him. A soft snore from my back signified that Jack had already fallen asleep.

    I turned around as much as I can without falling off or Jack falling off of me. I turned so that Jack and I were facing each other. I carefully reached up and touched his noodles.

    "You're so cute when you're asleep," I murmured. "I kind of want to be a little more, though. More than dating or whatever we are. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to be your girlfriend. Like, it's been a few months. I like you. Or love you. Same thing."

    I fell asleep after a couple of moments.

Jack's POV

    I heard everything she said.

    I opened one eye, making sure she was really asleep. I carefully raised my head a few inches to look at her better. Joellyn was honestly just a beautiful person in general. Her eyes were closed, so I couldn't see the deep brown. Her medium brown hair was spread all over the pillows. I moved some of it out of her face.

    I kissed her lips. "I would love for you to be my girlfriend. You're a beautiful person, inside and out."


So yeah that is that
I have more stuff planned but it'll take a bit for me to upload it bc rn I'm writing it down on paper and then typing it bc idk what else to do 😂😂😂😂

2.5k on my WDW series for epilogue? The bonus chapters don't make sense yet if I published it now so I think that's a good like ....idk man

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