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book series: harry potter by j.k. rowling (spans the battle of hogwarts)



    Lavera reached out for me and kissed me, leaving me momentarily stunned for a second before kissing back.

    "Lavera, we'll be okay," I said, pulling away. "We'll survive."

    "I know," Lavera replied. She didn't seem too sure of it, though. "Just in case. I love you."

    "I love you, too," I smiled. We plunged into the battle.

    Lavera was immediately caught up in a duel between a female Death Eater. I fired hexes and jinxes at the opposing forces, as well as protecting and shielding Hogwartians against them. Out of the corner of my eye, a fellow Gryffindor was being pushed against a wall.

    "Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted at the perpetrator. He immediately froze and fell over, completely unable to move.

    "Thanks!" The Gryffindor shouted before nailing another Death Eater behind me.

    "Welcome!" I shouted back, immersed in the battle. I jumped over fallen statues, paintings issuing warnings and shrieking. I started running to the lower floors, where the fight was thickest. Rubble and bodies flew overhead. Acromantulas were making their way in as a giant lumbered around outside the castle.

    "Protego!" I shouted, deflecting a curse onto an already hexed Death Eater, causing him to fall to his knees. Voldemort was nowhere do be seen, as was Snape or Malloy. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Harry, Hermione, or Ron either.

    An explosion came from the seventh floor, shaking the walls.

    "Relashio!" I ran towards Greyback, who was chasing down a student and immediately hit him with the spell. "Rictusempra!"

    Weird. I have never heard a werewolf laugh before.

    I continued to make my way downstairs as the fighting grew more intense. I dashed down a secret passageway, running through tunnels until I jumped out of a window, rolling as the soft grass hit my back. I scrambled upwards and doubled back to the entrance hall.

    Cold suddenly clutched my chest. I turned, seeing hundreds of dementors glide towards the castle. I was topo close to them for comfort. A few freezing moments later, a fox, a hare, an a boar came soaring by. Of course. Ernie, Seamus, and Luna, most likely. I remembered their Patronuses from the D.A. A stag joined them. Harry.

    For good measure....."Expecto Patronum."

    A hippogriff emerged from the tip of my wand and soared into the sky, further eradicating the dementors' presence. I ran back in, Stupefying the nearest Death Eaters.

    I ducked into a nearby niche and put a hand to the dog tag hidden under my robes. I grasped it tightly. Where are you?

    A bit preoccupied right now, baby. Lavera's struggling voice entered my mind. Second floor, Transfiguration corridor.

    I'm coming, I promised. I immediately ran upstairs.

    "Rennervate," I said, waking up someone Stunned. He didn't seem to have his wand with him, so I Transfigured a rock into a knife and handed it to him. I knelt down.

    "We're still here, we're still fighting," I said gently. He looked scared, evidently afraid for his life.

    "Yeah," he said. "Thanks, man."

    "You too, bro." I continued upstairs. Hmm.

    I stopped at a pile of rubble. I Transfigured the entire thing into knives, the total count around 20. "Oppugno!"

    The knives shot down into the battle, stabbing Death Eaters and other Dark forces. I nodded, satisfied, and continued upstairs, ducking and blocking curses and hexes.

    "Lavera!" I shouted, moving closer to her. She was dueling a Death Eater and she was close to being overpowered.

    "Jonah!" She shouted back, the strain evident in her voice.

    I joined in their duel. Even if it was two against one, we were still too inexperienced to beat him.

    Suddenly, he keeled over in front of us. Dean Thomas stood behind him, a borrowed wand in his hand. "Welcome."

    I nodded my thanks as we headed down the stairwell to rejoin the battle on the first floor. "You guys seen Harry?"

    "Nah," I replied. "Haven't seen him since the dementors."

    "Dementors?" Dean asked, eyes wide. Before the conversation could deepen, we were surrounded by a flurry of spells. Lavera and I became immersed in our own battles alongside each other as Dean slipped away.

    A death curse nearly missed Lavera by near inches. I immediately ran after the Death Eater, trying to land a hit on him. I managed to pin him against a wall, my wand pressed against his chin.

    "Don't you dare--"

    "You're missing out, boyo," he muttered, a sick grin lighting his features behind his mask. He lifted his wand. My wand sparked under his chin as I kneed him in the balls, causing him to crumple to the floor in pain. I turned just as I saw Lavera slam into the wall opposite me.

    "No no no no," I said, running to check on her. She was alive, but barely. "Lavera."

    "Jonah," she managed to get out. Her chest heaved, trying to get air. I supported her head in my hands.

    "What is it, what's the spell, Lavera, please," I said, trying to keep calm. There had to be something.

    "Please don't," she whispered weakly. "I need to go."

    "Lavera, please. There has to be something."

    "Remeber what Professor Trelawney said? I have the Grim," Lavera said, her eyes fluttering shut. She forced them open again. "This is it."

    "This can't be it," I snapped at her. "There has to be another way."

    Her eyes widened. "Jonah, get out of the way."

    "I can't leave you!"

    "Protego!" She shouted. With the last ounce of her energy, she shoved me down the stairs, her wand in my hands. An explosion wrecked the stairwell where she was almost immediately after. I would have died had she not shoved me to the bottom of it.

    "No," I whispered. "Lavera."

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