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shoutouts to kepotts21 😂😂😂

i used ramona in here bc i don't have a corbyn besson ff and i couldn't find a way to add her into Amortentia

go read kepotts21 's fanfic Reckless it's dope and awesome and all that good stuff

book series used: percy jackson and the olympians by rick riordan


Addilyn couldn't move.

"C-corbyn," she whispered haltingly.

The boy lying amidst piles of dead carcasses didn't move or acknowledge her. He was bound and gagged, his sword lying against the adjacent wall. His shirt and jeans were ripped, dried blood staining the orange shirt a dark purplish-red. One eye seemed to be swollen shut.

"Don't worry yourself, my dear," Carson's voice said. "He's alive."

Addilyn gasped. Above her loomed a Cyclops, tall enough to hide in the shadows of the cavern. His one eye blinked at her as her fingers tightened around her spear. Somehow, he had taken her dead brother's voice from her head.

"For a son of Athena, he's not very smart, is he?" the Cyclops, still using Carson's voice, said dismissively, poking Corbyn's unmoving body with a stick. "Came running in here, thinking that someone named Addilyn was in trouble. Wanted to talk me into giving him the aegis and leaving the Addilyn girl alone. Or the Ramona girl. But why have one dinner when you could have three?"

"Stop using his voice," Addilyn said, trying to keep her head level. She knew Ramona was still in the Labyrinth somewhere. They needed to get the aegis and get out of here.

"I'm sorry," the Cyclops said mockingly. He switched to Corbyn's voice. "Do you prefer this one?"

Addilyn could feel her heart breaking. Instead, she said, "Where is the aegis?"

"Why, the boy's eating it," the Cyclops replied. "He wanted the aegis, so I gave it to him."

Addilyn sneaked a glance at the gag around Corbyn's mouth. She hadn't noticed it before, but it glittered strangely in the flickering light of the Cyclops' fire.

Corbyn told her as they made their way here that the aegis didn't necessarily refer to Athena's shield. It was also the name of her cloak. Apparently, the Cyclops had used it as Corbyn's gag.

"No matter," the Cyclops said, coming towards her. "You've been keeping me from dinner."

"I don't think so," Addilyn said, stepping backwards. The Cyclops picked up a nearby club. After studying it for a moment, he swung it in her direction.

Addilyn ran behind a random piece of construction equipment, hearing the smash of a club against an empty target behind her. The Cyclops readied his attack again and she scrambled into a new hiding spot.

A spot on the watch on her wrist glowed green. Ramona was around here. Thank god for Beckendorf. He had created special beacons for each of them, telling one other if they were near each other. It had helped them a lot during their time in the Labyrinth. Addilyn just hoped that the daughter of Ares would keep her mouth shut.

"Come out, daughter of Hermes!" the Cyclops taunted. Addilyn stiffened at the mention of her father. "I'm not done with you!"

Addilyn peeked over the top of the car she had been hiding behind. She spotted a lithe figure climbing the chains on the wall behind the Cyclops' head.

Addilyn pressed a small button on the watch, hoping that Ramona was in range. "Attack plan Medusa?"

"Yup," Ramona grunted.

Addilyn ran out from behind the car, stopping in front of the Cyclops. "Hey, Seaweed Brain!"

Most Cyclopses were descendants of the god of the sea, so honestly, Annabeth's nickname for Percy could be applied in multitudes of areas. Such as Cyclops taunting.

The Cyclops turned to face her. "No tricks left, daughter of Hermes? Well then."

Addilyn just grinned. "I have one trick in my stash."

She threw her spear at the Cyclops's eye just as Ramona jumped on his back, slicing the back of his neck.


Addilyn ran to Corbyn as Ramona got to work on the Cyclops, severing its tendons and other stuff.

Corbyn looked even worse up close. The bonds had cut into his skin and he looked like he had been fighting against the Cyclops before being bound.

Addilyn removed the aegis from his mouth and carefully set it aside. She easily cut through his bonds and cupped his face, feeling for a pulse. Luckily, there was one. She tipped his mouth open and rummaged in her jeans for ambrosia or nectar, pouring whatever was left in her bottle into his mouth.

Corbyn gasped, his non-swollen eye opening and revealing the blueish-green gray. His gaze landing on Addilyn, he brushed a lock of hair out of her face.


"Corbyn," she replied, feeling tears stream down her cheeks as a broad grin stretched across her face. She placed soft kisses on his lips as he recovered from whatever the Cyclops did. She found a crumpled square of ambrosia and gave it to him, cleaning him up as best she could with her limited supplies.

Once Corbyn could sit up (with help from Addilyn), Ramona walked over. "Well, that was helluva battle."

"How did you find me?" Corbyn asked, his voice hoarse. "How—"

Ramona held up her beacon, which was glowing with a red and blue light. Her and Corbyn, Addilyn assumed. Her was glowing with a green and blue light, and Corbyn's had a red and green light. "Just used this."

"I heard Carson's voice," Addilyn murmured. "I followed it and it lead me to you. Turns out it was the freaking Cyclops. How'd it lead you here?"

Corbyn adjusted his head on Addilyn's shoulder to face her more fully. "It was using your voice, Addi. It made it sound like you were being tortured. I've never felt so—so hopeless to help you."

"Never do that again," Addilyn said, her voice wavering. "Never risk your life for me ever again. I can't lose you, Corbyn."

"I can't promise that, Addi," Corbyn whispered. "If it was your death, and I could've changed it...or could've stopped it..."

"I—" Before Addilyn could argue further, Corbyn leaned forward and captured her lips in his, effectively shutting her up. He carefully placed his hands on her waist, drawing her closer to him. She cupped his face, caressing the healing bruises and cuts.

Corbyn closed his eyes. He had been so afraid of losing this. The smell of her, her beautiful brown eyes. Her hands in his. Her impish smirk, courtesy of her father. The twin scars they had from the Battle of the Labyrinth. He'd thought he'd failed her once he heard the screams issuing from inside the cavern. They sounded so much like her.


Ramona stood a few feet away, leaning on her sword with an amused expression on her face. "Are you two done sucking each other's faces off? I want to go back to camp and get this over with."

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