games and sarcasm

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warning: smut


I groaned. "Dammit."

"I won!" Daniel cheered, taking another chunk of watermelon in his mouth in celebration.

"Stop rubbing it in my face," I grumbled, stealing a piece of watermelon from my boyfriend and scrunching my face at him when he tried to grab it back.

"No can do, Q. I plan on winning every games."

I smirked, restarting the game. "Is that so?"

He just hummed in response, immediately shooting forward. I grinned, following him as we raced past obstacles and hit bonuses. My Toad was still half a lap behind his Mario when I rested my head against his shoulder.

I could feel him half glance back at me before returning his concentration to the game. I managed to get closer to him as he almost hit an obstacle.

"Oh my god," Daniel muttered. I smiled when I realized he had already lapped me. I had already given up, anyways.

I placed my hand on his leg, rubbing circles on the top of his quad with my thumb. My fingers hung limply towards the inside of his leg. I heard him gasp slightly under his breath.

I managed to hit a boost one-handed and sped towards him. I had decreased his lead to pretty much 80% behind him. I slowly inched towards his crotch as his lead decreased, him getting distracted and hitting random objects while I managed to catch up to him. However, he still made it to the finish line by the time I could nearly feel his erection.

As the winner music played onscreen, I straddled him, blocking his view of the TV. I whispered in his ear, "Maybe I can't win in that game, but I can win in this."

He tossed his controller on the couch, lust in the corners of his eyes. "I hate you."

I kissed him. "You love me, really."

"Remind me why again," he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"If you can't remind yourself, then I suppose you jack off by yourself then." I made a motion to get off of him, but hands at my waist prevented me from going anywhere. I glared at him. "Now I really hate you."

"Maybe you were the only that needed to be reminded, then," he grinned.

"You did just win several rounds of Mario Kart," I shrugged. "Must be why."

A comfortable silence settled in. I played with his shirt, tracing the fading print and playing with the hem. I tried to ignore him licking his lips or his eyes and how they devoured me hungrily.

"Just rip it off already, Quince," he said, laying me down on the couch and climbing on top of me.

"I-" Our faces were so close. My heart rate picked up as I longed to place my lips on his again, but decided to have him wait for it 'cause I'm nice that way. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," he rolled his eyes. His hands slid up my back, fingering the back of my bra. I gripped his shirt in my hands, bunching the fabric in my hands as his kisses became hungrier and more passionate. He pulled the shirt off of him, mine following. He left a trail of kisses down my collarbone as he tugged at my sweatpants strings, succeeding in pulling them off. I flipped us around so that I was now straddling him, using my knees to push his pants off as he gripped my scalp, pulling me to him as we fought in our mouths for dominance. I still hold that I won, but Daniel (of course) thinks otherwise.

Daniel slid on the thin plastic and covered himself in lube. He entered me, causing me to gasp.

"Shit, Daniel, thanks for the warning," I muttered as he began to thrust, causing me to alternately gasp and moan as I adjusted to him.

"Welcome," he grunted. He continued thrusting as our hands explored each other. His skin against mine, his hands in my hair. I breathed in the smell of him: his cologne and coffee and to be honest probably watermelon. I melted in his arms, warmth spreading throughout me.

"D-Daniel, oh fuck," I gasped. The air grew warm, more moans coming from my mouth as Daniel grunted. He kissed me as we both reached our highs and he came. He slowed down, still riding on the high before removing himself from me.

"Daniel, if you came onto the couch, I swear to God," I muttered, trying not to wince at the soreness of my core.

"I can't believe you still think about the couch," he said, flopping back next to me. "I mean, we just had sex."

I closed my eyes, trying not to let the grin spread across my face. "It's easier to think about."

"I hate you."

"Watch yo sarcasm, my boi."

He sat up. "I'm not actually sure if that was totally sarcasm, actually."

"I actually hate you."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"I hate you, Daniel Seavey."

"I hate you too, Quince Valdez."


I woke up early in the morning to find me in our bed, clothed in pajamas. I'm pretty sure Daniel dressed me and put me here. I rolled over to check the time: 9:37 am.

Daniel came in, a warm mug of coffee in his hands. He sat on the bed, next to my lap.


"Hey," he grinned. "Do you still hate me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you going to keep holding it over my head?"

"Yeah, probably."

I tugged his arm towards me, causing him to fall on top of me. His blue eyes, clear as the sky and as deep as the ocean, stared back at me.

"As much as I want to, I can't."

He grinned. "Knew it."

"Watch it, pretty boy," I waggled my finger at him. "I might as well--"

I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. Daniel tasted of coffee and pancakes. I moved my arms out of the blankets, cupping his face with my hands.

"I love you."

"I know." I smacked his chest.

He chuckled softly. "I love you, too."


This is probably my favorite miniseries in this book
Get your tissues ready for the next chapter
I still have a bit prewritten but I have no idea what to do after yay
Summer is boring so I feel bored it's great

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