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book series: harry potter by jk rowling


"You're doing it wrong," Christina laughed, grabbing Corbyn's wrist. "It's more of a wave."

"I would Vanish you for being so perfect, but then I'd have no one to cuddle with," Corbyn grinned, wrapping his arms around the smaller girl as she tried to free her wand arm.

"You can't," she rolled her eyes, finally freeing her wand and and immobilizing the mouse they had been practicing on. "Evanesco!"

The mouse disappeared from thin air as Corbyn sighed. "You're so good at this."

"Help me with Arithmancy, then," Christina groaned, pulling one of the heavy tomes towards her and flipping to a page, propping her arms on the table and her chin on the bottom of the book's spine, staring at the dusty, yellowed pages.

Corbyn looked around the Ravenclaw common room. A few second years were on another table, facing one of the large windows that lined the airy, circular room. A few other sixth years were sitting on the couches, reading. He stretched out his arms, tired from studying for most of his free hour.

Wintry sunlight filtered in through the windows. Corbyn looked over the common grounds, watching students walk to and from classes. His gaze lingered over the bronze-lined blue hangings to the bookshelves full of blue leather-bound books to the beautiful girl sitting next to him.

Christina's dark hair shone in the sunlight. Her robes were neatly ironed, her badge newly polished. Her nails had this beautiful dark blue on them, glitter creating a galaxy effect. He could barely see the almost invisible chain around her neck; the pendant seemed to hold itself up against her collarbone. The pendant itself reflected the sun even though the strands of hair blocking it from view. His initials around her neck, written in thin bronze filigree and hers on a small circle of stamped metal around his. It had only been a few months since Corbyn placed the necklace on her, but he could have sworn it was yesterday.

"You're adding the numbers wrong," Corbyn said, after realizing what Christina did a few moments ago. "You have to add this and this, not this and this. Then you add this and this and compare it to that."

"This and that is confusing," Christina mumbled. "I'd rather cast spells."

"Why aren't you in Gryffindor then?" Corbyn asked, amused.

"Because then I wouldn't be with you," she replied cheekily back. Her face softened. "But really, the Sorting Hat did consider putting me in Gryffindor. But, I guess I'm too smart to be making a ruckus all night."

"True," Corbyn said, pulling the girl closer to him. "Now, back to numbers."


Christina successfully managed to turn her water into pumpkin juice without saying the incantation aloud. She sipped the glass, satisfied with her work. Next to her, her friend Aaron was having much less success.

"You need to stop doing that," Christina said, trying not to laugh as Aaron's face started turning purple. "It's not supposed to be a breath-holding exercise. You need to relax."

"Easy for you to say," Aaron grumbled. He put his wand down ruefully and took a bite of bread. "You've got to be the smartest of our year."

"No way," she said, shoving his shoulder lightly. He patted her back.

"You'll accept the compliment someday, my friend."


Corbyn wasn't sure whether or not his heart would rip apart from the pain. He felt a pang of something whenever Christina and -what's his face?- Aaron hung out together. He could barely see the corridors he was walking in, but let his feet blindly carry his body to his dorm.

Could he be...jealous of him? Corbyn sighed. Probably. Christina just seemed so..happy with Aaron. He needed to get his mind off of them. He sat down at his desk and started attacking his homework furiously, not noticing the footsteps at the door or the crinkle of paper as Christina stole towards Corbyn, food from dinner in her hands. She pulled up a chair, placing the package on his desk, all the while watching him work.

"Corbs, you need to eat, you didn't go down to dinner," Christina said sternly, gripping his wrist to stop him from writing. He just yanked his wrist from her grip and continued his scratchy and blotched work. "Corbyn, look at me. What happened?"

He sighed and dropped his quill, leaning back in his chair and still not looking at Christina. "It's not important."

To escape the question, Corbyn stuffed the food that Christina brought in his mouth. It was a while before Christina spoke.

"That's not true. What's wrong?"

"It was something dumb, Christina," Corbyn muttered.

"What is it, Corbyn?" she asked, leaning towards him. "Tell me!"

"Did you do something to the chicken?" he asked, trying to gauge why Christina was trying to find out what was bothering him.

"I may have infused Veritaserum into it," Christina shrugged. Corbyn immediately spit out everything out of his mouth and onto the napkin. "So there is something you're not telling me!"

"You didn't add anything to the chicken?" Corbyn demanded. Christina blushed slightly, but kept her stoic face. "So I wasted good food for nothing?"

"You're avoiding the question," she groaned, sitting on Corbyn's bed. She made the cutest puppy dog face Corbyn and ever seen. "Can you please tell me what's wrong?"

The blonde soothed, slouching in his seat. "I was just...."

Oh, how he hated saying this. "Just...I did go down to dinner, but the seats around you were taken and I just....didn't want to interfere, I guess."

"At dinner..." she echoed, trying to make sense of it all. "I was with Aaron....Corbs, are you jealous of Aaron?"

The flush in his cheeks gave her her answer as she climbed onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. She placed a kiss on his lips as she said, "I love you, Corbyn, not Aaron."

"You--" His eyes widened a little as he processed her words. The fear that she would realize she was too perfect for him was suddenly diminutive compared to the fire roaring in his heart. He pulled her in for another kiss, this time deeper and more passionate. "I love you, too."

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