the tower

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I tapped my pen against my desk, impatient for math class to be over. Daniel and I were going to play Fortnite after school.

"Before you leave, let me introduce you to a project," the teacher said. "The Robotics and Science clubs are hosting a competition. Since we are an advanced class, we have the privilege of priority. However, the teams will be sorted randomly. You will be in pairs and you need to follow a task, which the representative from the clubs will explain."

I looked out the window, not listening to the presentation. Suddenly, everyone started to get up. I looked up, shocked before packing my bags and getting ready to leave.

"Zach? Please stay back," the teacher called. I spun around and headed to the teacher's desk, disregarding the snickers from the people still in the classroom. One of my friends, Jack, patted my back as he left. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes?" I asked, approaching her desk.

"Zach, I'd like for you to think about this project," she said, sliding a flyer to me. I scanned it. It was basically about the competition. "I think you'd be a good fit."

"I don't think I would," I said, lightly chuckling. "I'm not into that kind of stuff."

"Really?" She asked, her eyebrow raised. "You show a remarkable aptitude in the sciences and maths. You have one of the highest grades in this class, and from what I've heard, your other STEAM classes. Just try it, okay?"

"I'll think about it."


I caved. I did the project.

I was paired up with Kacee Vian.

The name itself blew gossip in. Kacee Vian, the queen of school. Kacee Vian, the girl who stole her mom's car and drove to Chicago for a photo shoot. Kacee Vian, the girl who threw a huge rager at her mansion the end of sophomore year as a protest against how only juniors and seniors could go to prom. Kacee Vian, who has a long school record. Not all good.

I tapped my foot, waiting for her in the auditorium, where we received our partners and more details on the project. She had not shown up yet, and the meeting was almost done.

She came in a few minutes before it closed, hair blown from her face and cheeks flushed from running. She looked around the room and found me, walking over soon after. She carried herself condfidently, her knee-length skirt swishing and the studs on her leather jacket glittering.

"Hey," she said, sitting down next to me. "What's going on?"

"We got the project," I sighed. "You got my DM?"

"Yeah," she said. "You followed me? I never knew."

"I follow whoever I can," I shrugged. "When do you want to start doing the project?"

"When's it due?"

I checked the flyer. "In a couple months."

"In a couple months, then," she shrugged. "I have better things to do."

With that, she got up. Of course. What else should I have expected?


Several weeks passed. I had started on the project. We were supposed to build a robot that could go through a disaster maze; fastest time won a five thousand dollar scholarship.

I kind of wanted that prize. Would save me from having to work at Walmart for some of my high school career.

I was tinkering around with the robot, made from salvaged parts at an auto shop of my dad's friend when Kacee waked into the garage, unannounced. "Hey."

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