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dprandall21 today is Friday

i think that I should've made camryen veela and carmen a metamorphmagus but i already wrote it and i'm too lazy to change it lmaoooo

But anyways check out her ff Fameless if you haven't already tbh u probably have but I just really like the series 😂😂😂

book series: harry potter by jk rowling


Zach threw down his quill, exhausted from having just completed the History of Magic O.W.L. Of course, he bullshitted half of the test. He didn't really care about the goblin riots, he just wanted the ordeal over with.

    His gaze rested on his best friend and longtime crush, Carmen. Her twin, Camryen, sat next to her, their faces almost in the exact same position of concentration. He resisted the urge to laugh as he yawned, not bothering to cover his mouth.

    Camryen's hair suddenly turned a deep blue as the Metamorphmagus sighed, putting down her quill. Her twin kept scribbling as her sister watched her amusingly. The twins were an interesting duo, as different as they come. The daughters of Theodore Lupin and Victoria Weasley, Camryen had inherited his shape-shifting genes whereas Carmen had inherited much of her mother's qualities, such as her veela-like tendencies. Camryen had been placed in Gryffindor as Carmen had been placed in Slytherin. The House rivalry had not torn the sisters apart from one another; instead, they had become closer.

    "The exam is over; all of you are dismissed and your exams will be collected," Professor Flitwick said, waving his wand. Parchment snapped into rolls and flew into a neat pile on the desk next to the giant hourglass. Zach packed up his stuff and immediately went to Carmen's desk.

    "How was it?" he grinned, watching her pack her stuff up.

    "I feel like I missed out on a lot of important things," Carmen sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "On question 28 a, did you-"

    "Please don't go over the questions again," Camryen groaned right next to her. "It's bad enough we have to take it once." She patted Zach's shoulder as she left, whispering in his ear, "You'd better take care of her." Zach just grinned.

    Carmen frowned. She always knew that she, her sister, and Zach had been close, but she didn't really like how close the other two were getting. To be honest, she had a crush on Zach ever since the two met in the common room in their first year, but she always felt like her sister and Zach were the couple while she was the odd one out.

    "Carmen?" Zach asked, waving his fingers in front of her face. She shook her head from her thoughts and looked up. He was standing in front of her. She noticed her sister had already left and she and Zach were the only two in the Hall. "Ready to go?"

    "Yeah," she said after pausing for a moment, taking the arm he offered her.


    "What's new with you?" Carmen asked her sister, who was trying to figure out how to play a flute she had received from Hagrid for Christmas.

    "Nothing much," Camryen replied, blowing into the flute and blasting her twin's ears. "Sorry, I have no idea how to play this."

    "It's like this," Jaiden, another Gryffindor said, coming up behind Camryen and taking the flute from her fingers. He played a couple notes. Carmen didn't miss the flush of Camryen's cheeks or the look in her eyes as her sister stared at Jaiden.

    Jaiden showed Camryen how to play the flute as Carmen resumed her reading, a smirk on her face. She was definitely going to use this as future blackmail.

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