dance floor

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In this world, everyone has the first words their soulmate ever says to them tattooed on the inside of their wrist. Once your soulmate speaks the words on your wrist a tingling sensation buzzed through your entire nervous system, alerting you that you have found the one.

inspo: soulmate by -psychosunshine

songs used: perm by bruno mars, new rules by dua lipa, and dance to this by troye sivan ft. ariana grande


Daniel had spent quite a while wondering what the words on his wrist meant.

Want to give them a show?

He was rubbing them subconsciously as his sister, Ana, pulled him through the streets of Portland, one of the last days he'd get to spend with her before moving to LA, where he would be able to pursue his dream of making music. He knew that this was Ana's way of coping with her older brother being a two-hour flight away, and he appreciated it.

"You want to go hiking?" she asked him, finally stopping at where she'd parked the car. He checked the time.

"Sure," he grinned back, knowing she'd already known he'd say yes and go with it. He'd seen the picnic basket in the back, after all.

"Angel's Rest?"

"Of course."


Daniel frowned at the weird markings on his wrist. He looked from his mother to his father and back again.

Being a four-year old, he was smart enough to know that they meant something. He just wasn't sure what exactly.

He slowly got off the big chair he was sitting on and made his way to where his mother was reading and tugged on her wrist. His mother, too immersed in her reading, didn't notice as Daniel compared the marking on her wrist to his own, noting that it was shorter. He frowned, puzzled.

"Mommy," he frowned, tugging on his mom's shirt. "What's that?"

"Hmm?" his mom asked, peering at the small boy, who was busy poking her tattoo. "Oh, it's just writing."

"What does it say?" his little frown deepened, trying to think of why his mommy had writing on her wrist.

"It says, 'Thanks, I try.'"

"Why does it say that?"

His mom shut her book, chuckling softly. "Ask your dad, Danny."

Daniel didn't know what was funny, but his mommy had already gone into the kitchen to make dinner, so that was it. He got off the couch, scrambling to his feet and walk/ran to his dad's office. He wasn't there, so he checked the music room.

His dad was softly playing a song he didn't recognize at the time. Daniel hauled himself on the piano bench, with an assist from his dad. "What's up, little tyke?"

"What's this?" Daniel asked, pointing at the tattoo on his father's wrist. "What's it say?"

His dad grinned. "It's the first words mommy ever said to me," he said. "It says, 'You're pretty good for a guy.'"

"What are they for?"

"They're for your soulmate," His dad replied, placing the four-year old in his lap. "When you meet them, those are the first words they say. But you might have a while to worry about that."

"What does mine say?" Daniel asked, waving his fist in front of his dad's face.

His dad laughed, wrestling with the little boy to see the words. "It says, 'Want to give them a show?'"

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