Sandwich Run

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Once I had everything as clean as I could get it, I set to planning, which is hard to do considering that my future was like a free for all. Who knew what would happen? Would I ever escape or would I be forced to work as a cook under Loki's reign if he did take over the world? I had seen his power, his magics and that glowing scepter and cube of his, and I wondered with all these baddies he was compiling under his control, who'd truly be able to face him? But I did know about what I could plan, and that was meals. That was my job here and if I followed it and tried to make myself as unnoticed as possible I might make it out okay in the end. So I thought about lunch and decided that for lunches I would just make sandwiches. They were simple and considering that I'd have to bring all the workers their lunch, they would be best because they had to be kept neither cold nor warm. The more difficult question is what could I make for dinners?

Pulling out the pad of paper and pen I had been given the night before I started scribbling down recipes I knew how to make from memory. Not to brag or anything, but it became quite a nice sized list and I chose to make chicken pot pie for tonight. The ingredients were simple and a pan would serve a good handful of people. I jotted down breakfast ideas and any other recipe I knew how to make as well, trying to organize my options. It felt good to get my mind off my uncertain future and troubling recent events and just focus on what I had to do now, and in a way, it felt like I was just scratching down a usual grocery list as I listed ingredients needed for tonight.

When I had finally written all I could think of, I put the paper away and instead gathered up sandwich ingredients, putting my phone on shuffle. Then there came an hour of mindless sandwich making as I sang along to Owl City, Skillet, Coldplay, Three Doors Down, Disney music, and more as they randomly played. As I was constructing a tower of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the song 'Hero' by Skillet came on and like the songs that had come before I sang along to it, not really thinking about the words until the chorus kicked up.

"I need a heroooo to save me now, I need a hero (to save me yeah), I need a heroooo to save my life, a hero's gonna save me just in time!"

I shook my head as the song continued about needing a hero and becoming a hero, and groaned, starting on a stack of peanut butter and banana sandwiches. This probably wasn't the song I should be listening to in my situation, though I did wish that someone would stampede into the kitchen, maybe wearing a police uniform or something, and take me away from here and back to my life. I wasn't looking for a superhero and I wasn't one for being a damsel in distress, but I didn't want to be a prisoner here. I brushed these thoughts away and enjoyed the rest of the song, and almost laughed as the next one started up and turned out to be 'Holding out for a Hero'.

Grinning and raising my voice up higher, enjoying the irony a bit, I sang along, "Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?"

Well, I knew where one god was, he just happened to be trying to take over the world.

"Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising ones? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn, "At this I flung my head from one side to the other dramatically and laughed at my own silliness, "And I dream of what I need... I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero til the morning light, he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight! I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero til the end of the night, he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be soon, and he's gotta be larger than life!"

As the music played for a bit I changed out my peanut butter for lunch meats and cheeses, whipping out a variety of sandwiches including ham, turkey, bologna, and salami, "Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy, somewhere just beyond my reach there's someone reaching back for me, racing on the thunder and rising with the heat, it's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet!"

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