Revelations in the Throne Room

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Even if I hadn't known this offer was coming, it would have been nearly impossible to refuse. There was a solemnity in the air as everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath for my answer. I licked my lips slowly before finally speaking, having gotten my words together.

"Allfather, what you offer is incredibly generous." I started, measuring my voice and tone to be as respectful and regal as possible, "Exceedingly generous in fact. It's true that you ask for much considering that to stay here on Asgard would mean to leave Midgard and all I've ever known behind. Truthfully, though, I have accepted that fact already."

I heard a murmur from the audience of nobles and courtiers, but I tried to ignore them, focusing on what I was saying, "You see, my father died when I was young, and my mother followed after him during my childhood. I was raised into adulthood by my grandparents who were, sadly, killed within this year. Like you, Allfather, I have no close family anymore besides the close friends that have become a family to me. I hate to leave them and to leave behind all the work I have accomplished, but..." I offered a small smile, "when Loki proposed to me and I accepted him... it was then that I knew I was likely going to have to leave them behind."

I paused a moment, sucking in a deep breath to calm myself before continuing, "I chose Loki, no matter what it cost me, and I accepted that and all it would entail. Now I accept your offer. I want to get to know the land and the people of my fiancée and I'm willing to offer what services I can to you and your people, Allfather."

I was surprised at my own little speech and at the dignity of my words that had sounded as ceremonious and practiced and sophisticated as any of the Asgardian's speech had sounded during this audience with the king. I hadn't meant for all of that to come out, but all of it was true. It seemed to impress upon the courtiers as well as they didn't whisper amongst themselves, but instead let their eyes flick between Odin and me.

The elderly king nodded his head before lifting his gaze from me to fan over the small crowd of powerful Asgardians. "My closest advisors, generals, and courtiers, you who are most loyal to Asgard and her interests, if there are any among you who opposes my offer or has anything to say against this woman, the betrothed of Prince Loki, let them speak."

Silence hung in the golden throne room once more. I dared not look at the crowd. I couldn't bear to see their faces as I waited, demurely keeping my hands folded in front of me as I stared sightlessly ahead, for one of them to point out the fact that I was ill-equipped for being a Lady of Asgard. I was betrothed to the anti-hero of the nine realms and the man who was considered a criminal across the worlds; I was not from Asgard, nor did I know much about their culture or politics; and I lacked the breeding and refinement of a lady! I had no experience with anything that a surrogate queen would need to know! I couldn't blame them if every one of them objected against this sudden, generous proposition from the aging king! No one could question my validity or lack thereof for this position more than I did. I was an agent and a translator after all! What could I do that was of much use on Asgard?

No one said any of this though. They seemed to have made the consecutive decision to agree with the Allfather who had already hampered several of their complaints already.

Odin nodded once more, allowing a satisfied smile to barely brush his beard-lined lips before he stood from his throne, the movement making his golden armor flash in the light of day and the flaming torches and light stands that were set up around the grand hall. "Then it is decided, and it shall be as I say. Penelope Copper shall remain in Asgard at my side as a lady of the court and as my companion. An official ceremony shall be held a week hence where she shall be officially instated in her position as a lady of Asgard and introduced to the people of the realm." His words were punctuated by the clang of the butt of his spear being pounded once against the floor by his feet.

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