Mirror, Mirror

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I knew Mrs. Burgenstein wasn't kidding around from when she'd had me dress in the lacy black blouse and emerald skirt when she wanted to get all my laundry done, so as soon as the door was closed I bent down and furiously started pulling off my black convers and socks. However, just as I was barefooted the 'buckle your seatbelt' lights started flashing and I felt the plane start dipping down to land. With a click I was buckled up as we made our descent, and I didn't get up until the plane had stopped moving and the red 'seatbelt' lights stopped flashing. Not knowing how much longer until Mrs. Burgenstein would return, since we hadn't been expecting to land yet, I leapt from my seat and quickly undressed, being careful with my shirt not to touch my hair. Squirting a generous amount of sweet scented lotion into my palms I rubbed it into my arms and elbows, then I bent down to start rubbing it on my legs.

"Are you done yet?" I heard Mrs. Burgenstein's impatient voice through the door.

"Almost!" I cried, turning away from the door and hurriedly rubbing the lotion into my skin.

"You have thirty seconds."

"One minute!" Rubbing the excess lotion grease on one of the upholstered seats, I grabbed the dress bag, unzipped it and quickly threw on the dress without even looking at it, pulling the last strap over my shoulder just as the door flew open to reveal Mrs. Burgenstein.

Grumbling to herself and thrusting the door shut behind her she strode over to me, "I knew it would take a long time to get her ready, but it looks like I cut it too close. We've landed, tall, dark, and bossy is already off the plane, and the darned thing's messed up her hair already."

She turned me around roughly and yanked my zipper up, pinching my skin near the top before giving me a shove into my seat again, where I felt her stabbing a pin or two into my scalp. Handing me a pair of thin strapped, two inch high black heels, she went to the very back of the cabin and grabbed a full length mirror that had apparently been lying there where I hadn't been able to see it. Setting it against the wall she then led me over to stand in front of it, her lead much gentler than it had been just a minute before.

I was shocked by my appearance. Much like when I'd seen my illusion self, I could recognize myself, but at the same time I looked so different. My golden blonde hair was pulled from my temples into a braid that went to the back of my head where it was twisted into a braided, swirling bun that was being held up by diamond tipped bobbing pins that sparkled like tiny stars. Just below my hair was my face of course, and I was surprised to see how brilliantly blue my eyes looked with dark, smoky eyeshadow and perfectly done eyeliner surrounding them. I'm one of those few people who rarely ever get acne, but my complexion almost seemed to glow, my cheeks were a healthy, rosy color, and my lips were a bright, bold cherry red that gave an elegant look to my squarish face. Then there was the dress. It had a black, fitted bodice that showed off the slight indent of my waist, a V-neck collar, no sleeves, and a gray skirt that fell several inches past my knees that was covered with gauzy black fabric that let the gray show through, and had decorative black cloth flowers climbing up one side. It was a stunning gown and I was transformed by my makeover, looking like I was someone who frequented fancy galas all over the world.

"Wow." I gasped at myself, turning my body slightly to get a better look, before looking over at Mrs. Burgenstein who was packing away her things into her bag, "Thank you."

"We're keeping them waiting." Was all she said as she jabbed her finger at me to exit the cabin.

I was rushed out of the plane by the elderly lady and made my way down the stairs that lead out of the plane glancing around at the warehouse-like hangar the plane was parked in and taking note of the small group of men a little ways away from the bottom, talking amongst themselves. Unused to wearing heels, my ankle wobbled a bit and I then kept my eyes focused on the steps, so that I didn't end up falling down the stairs and killing myself. As I approached the bottom, however, I glanced up to see Barton turned towards me, as most of the men, including Loki had their backs to the plane and hence to me, and tapped on Loki's shoulder, whispering something to him.

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