The Truth

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We danced to a few more songs before the dancing portion of the gala ended. The applause were much louder this time as the man who apparently was throwing the party got up once more, said something, was applauded, and then people went back to chatting, listening to lectures, and looking at the exhibits. Loki had me lead him to some of the exhibits I had looked at earlier, and we talked quietly as we looked over the glass cases of antiques and relics, making comments and having slight conversation.

"I don't get art." I commented as we strolled aimlessly through one of the art galleries as I came to stand right in front of a large canvas that only had a single orange dot just an inch or so off center to the left on it that was the size of the bottom of a coffee mug.

I heard Loki's footsteps come up behind me and he leaned over my shoulder a bit to look at it. "Oooh. Stunning." He said sarcastically.

Trying to hold down a shiver that had risen up my spine at his words that were so close to my ear I gave a laugh, "Yeah, and this would probably go for hundreds if not thousands of dollars at an auction probably."

"Really?" He looked doubtfully at the canvas again. I could just see him out of my peripheral vision as I looked straight at the dot.

"Like I said, I don't get it." I shrugged, stepping away before he heard the hammering of my heart in my chest at his close proximity, and moved over to another piece of art casually; raising an eyebrow at a rather depressing watercolor painting of a man slumped on a street curbside in the rain who looked like he was melting with the dripping painted rain. Twisting my new necklace between my fingers I stared at it for a moment or two.

"Do you like it?"

"No. It's too sad." I answered shaking my head at the painting and moving over to a Greek style statue of a curly haired man.

"I meant your necklace." He chuckled going on the other side of the statue so that I could see his face through the hole of the bent arm of the statue.

"Oh!" I giggled a bit at my silliness and nodded, looking down at the lovely bit of jewelry, "Yes, I do. It's beautiful, my favorite color."

"It looks wonderful on you."

"Thank you." I looked around awkwardly, not sure what I should say now, "Uh, would you like to look at another gallery? I think I saw a sign for a display on some sort of Indian looking thing."

Loki's eyes flicked up and over to one of the walls where a clock hung, then he looked back and smiled sadly at me, "Unfortunately our time is almost up, Penelope." He came around the statue and offered me his arm, "Come with me."

It didn't feel so much like a command as an invitation and I obliged, hooking my arm in his. Were we heading off now to cause our chaotic distraction? What were we going to do? He led me back to the main room, and then started up the wide marble staircase. Confused as to why he was leading me up and away from the crowds, I glanced back at all the high society people who were milling about completely unaware that their gala was going to be disrupted, and ended up stepping strangely on one of the steps and stumbling. Gasping as I started to fall, I found myself caught up in the leanly strong arms of Loki.

"Sorry." I giggled nervously after my little scare.

"Careful." He said placing a steadying hand on my back and keeping it there until we had breached the top of the stairs where he took me off to the side down one of the highly decorated, grand hallways.

My mind raced as I followed him down the hallways until he came to a stop in front of a large white door. Waving his hand around the knob I noticed the flashing of gold and green that was the sign of his magic before there was a soft clicking sound and he gripped it and opened it, waving me in. The room was large and fancy with white walls, large windows with heavy, embroidered curtains, portraits on the walls, and marble and wood pedestals with antique vases and the like sitting around the room.

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