The Power of Moljnir and the Bifrost

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Flinging the metal pipe away I started scrambling across the rooftop, trying to find a way off the roof. I'd have to charge down stairs and out the building to escape without the building crashing down around me, but I could see no other choice. Already I could feel my excess energy fading from me. I wouldn't be able to handle the drop. Forcing all my strength into my legs, I pumped them as fast as I could until I found a door that would lead down in to the building. I ripped the knob off the door, taking its lock with it before I kicked the door itself in, charging into the warehouse's darkness.

"Catalyst, report!" a new voice, probably that of Agent Orville, scratched over my intercom.

"I'm a little busy right now!" I snapped sliding sideways as the ground beneath me gave way, sinking a good three yards before halting sharply with a metallic groan.

"The building you were on is coming down!"

"I realize this, Agent!"

"Wait, is the Catalyst in there?" Another voice, Agent Pine, gasped, his voice hinted with the terror that I was definitely feeling acutely now.

"Orville!" Agent Pine's voice barked, "Get Thor now!"

Never before had I actually been in an earthquake, but I was sure it was something like this. I felt like a pinball in a pinball machine being whacked around the stairwell as I scampered down it in the dark. The stairs gave way under me, dim light bulbs over my head shattered, sending glass raining down on me, a wall crumpled beside me, making me scream as I backpedaled away, trying not to get squished! I raised my arms, trying to block the falling debris from hitting my head as I sprinted past empty and mostly empty green metal storage shelves, running towards the warehouse's huge garage-style door that was hanging on a slant due to have the building crushing in on itself.

The whole building rumbled and moaned, larger chunks of ceiling tumbling down around me, sending waves of dust into the air, making me choke. I screamed again as the long lines of shelves started toppling over like gigantic dominoes! I had to make it to the door now!

Pumping my legs I leaned my right shoulder forward, preparing to ram the warehouse door at full speed, hoping that I had enough strength and durability left in me from my shock to knock it down. I clenched up, closing my eyes before jumping, throwing my body into the thinner metal door with all my force.

The door didn't break down. I flopped to the ground, holding my sore shoulder, peeking up through the dust and debris to see that I'd left a sizeable dent in the door, but no, I hadn't broken through or knocked it down!

The building's collapse was picking up, its structure unable to hold it weight up anymore! I had to get out or be crushed! Forcing myself up I gripped the side of the lopsided door with one hand and the doorway from which it had been yanked. With a yell of adrenaline and force I strained my muscles pushing the two chunks of metal apart. Slowly but surely their crack opened. I could see the dim sunlight filling the crack and lighting on my sweating face. My strength was fading fast! I was using it all, but would I be able to make it through before I was turned flat as my namesake?

"Penny!" a deep, male voice called before a large, strong hand grabbed at my wrist, yanking me through the crack I had made. Dang my breasts! Curse my hips! I couldn't fit through!

"Thor! It's not working!" I coughed, panic rising in my throat.

"It will! Hold on, Penny!" he released my arm before he grabbed the door, heaving it, forcing it to peel back with a loud squeal just a few more inches. Sucking in my stomach I shoved myself through sideways. It was a tight squeeze, but I made it out, falling onto my knees outside the building, coughing and hacking.

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