New Day, Old Problems

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I lay there in bed, just staring up towards the ceiling that was shrouded in darkness, calming my breathing and racing heart again. How many times have I had to do this yesterday? How many more times will I have to today? Getting up and turning on the light, I looked over my shelves to choose what I would wear today. It might have been the sweat from my nightmare speaking, but I was burning up, so I grabbed the red tank top and pulled on the dark wash jeans with the black ballet flats. Grabbing my toiletries I headed to the bathroom. After washing my face I brushed my teeth then started brushing out my matted hair. It actually looked kind of nice down, so I let it be and started brushing on some mascara. Returning to my bedroom I rubbed on some lotion before heading to the kitchen.

Lights on and ovens heated, I shoved several of the oatmeal bakes into the ovens, then started setting up for today. Pulling out my phone from my back pocket I set it on shuffle and I pulled up a stool I had found in the cleaning closet up to the metal counter with my pad of paper and pen and continued writing. Last night I had only gotten to the starting of the more in depth tests I had endured. It was actually rather nice to sit there with my music, writing away until the ovens beeped alerting me to their finished products. Placing out the pans of oatmeal in the serving area, I threw another round of bakes into the ovens, then set out the plates and whatnot along the food line. The workers would be arriving soon, so I turned my music down a bit more and continued writing, describing my nightmare from last night and all its horrors.

As they had the morning before, the mind controlled, scientists, workers, and gun toting criminal groups shuffled in, went down the food line, then sat at the long white tables to eat. Some gave me a nod of the head or a quick or mumbled 'good morning' or 'hello', but quite a few just went wordlessly down the line or spoke amongst themselves at the kitchen window. My heart cried out for the blue-eyed people. They were slaves. They hadn't chosen to be here, to get mind controlled. They hadn't asked for this. As I watched them I internally set myself on trying to help them some way, even if was only making them good food. On the other hand I burned with anger as I saw a group of five, normal eyed men pass by, some sort of unknown emblem stitched onto their black combat outfits. Where were all these criminals coming from? Even if they were evil, twisted groups, why would they help Loki bring on an alien invasion? Did they even know what they had signed up for?

I was just putting away my paper and pen when I heard the cafeteria doors open again. Glancing up my stomach went cold. It was Ben and his cronies again. I was not dealing with them, not this morning. Quickly ducking away from the kitchen window I pulled my stool to the back of the kitchen and took the last batch of oatmeal bakes out of the oven. In a rush I scooped up a large slice of peach oatmeal bake onto a plate and poured a tall glass of apple juice and another of ice water before quickly locating the covered tray. To escape Ben, his lusty friend, and the rest of their criminal buddies I was going to take Loki his breakfast. Not a great switch out, but at least this way I would only have to face one of them instead of both.

Waiting by the kitchen door I peeked down the breakfast line, watching as the men I was avoiding took their place at the end before I shot out of the kitchen and across the cafeteria. Within a minute I melded into the crowd of workers unspotted by Ben and the rest and made my way to the cafeteria doors, stepping out of the way just as a tall scientist strode through the swinging doors and almost ran into me without giving me another look. As I bustled down the tunnel-like hallways I felt like a fish swimming up river as everyone I passed was heading towards the cafeteria. My mind was mostly focused on my success of avoiding the undesirable men until I reached the bedroom-lined hallway that lead to Loki's door.

As I turned to go down sed hallway I halted and looked down at myself. Loki made me incredibly uncomfortable and here I was in a tank top, my hair was out of whack, being messed up from baking and almost getting run over at the cafeteria door. Should I go back to my room to put on a sweater and brush my hair? No. His food would start to cool off and why waste the time? I'd just get it over with. Coming up to the door, I planned how I would go in. I'd keep my head down, eyes on the ground. Hopefully if I acted more like I was in mind controlled submission, maybe he'd pay less attention to me, and I'd keep my words, if I had to speak, under five words. Simple 'yes's and 'no's.

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