Once Upon a Time

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My eyes dropped to my chest where my teal pendant lay glistening its usual shade of green-blue. That wasn't it. Then what? Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I watched as a figure, tall and lean, materialized. For once Loki's appearance didn't seem sudden, starling me. This time I got to watch his magic of illusions as his full stature flickered into existence, revealing the man I loved, leaning casually against the doorway into my apartment.

A smile shot across my face instantly as he appeared, my head turning towards him. Like every time I saw him, it took all my self-control not to rush to him. He wasn't really here after all. The green and gold glimmers that passed over his features occasionally stood as reminders of that fact.

He grinned back at me, "I missed you."

My heart leapt at the sound of his voice, at the sweet, gentle tone of his words. It had been far too long since I'd been able to even glimpse him. "I missed you too." I sighed.

Loki tilted his head to the side, crossing his arms as a little chuckle escaped his lips.

Confused, I giggled, "What?" feeling self-conscious of the way he was looking at me. I shifted my stance, standing up straighter and turning my body to face him more.

"Nothing, darling." Loki quickly assured me, his laugh still flavoring his voice as he moved off the doorway to join me at the railing, "It's just that the way you were leaning over your balcony looking out, it reminded me of a painting in an old fairytale picture book that my mother, Frigga, read to Thor and I as children."

My interest was piqued, "Oh? And what fairytale was it that I just reminded you of?"

"An old favorite of mine actually." His vaguely ethereal shape leaned on the railing beside me. Considering that he actually wasn't here I wondered how he could lean against the metal railing at all, "It's an Asgardian tale, I doubt you know it."

"Well then, you should tell me the story, Silvertongue." I pressed; interested in anything that had to do with Asgard. I was rather familiar with the fairytales and myths of my own world, but the folklore and children's stories from an entirely different realm? That was something else entirely!

His eyebrows flew up at my words, his eyes sparkling with some emotion that I couldn't quite place as a smirk crept over his features, "Silvertongue?"

Suddenly the icy chill of the winter air surrounding me didn't bother me anymore as my temperature spiked at the realization that I'd used his nickname. I could feel the intense blush rise as I dropped my eyes from his; trying to hide from his mischievous, admittedly provocative look that he had given me at the mention of the name. Flustered, I stared to stammer, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Don't apologize, Darling." Loki leaned in closer to me, putting himself into my line of vision again, "I must admit I rather like it when you call me that."

I tucked my whole head down, still trying to hide. How could there be so much snow around my slippered feet still? My blush had me feeling so hot that I thought all the snow should have melted by now! How could he get me so flustered with just a look? How could he be so effortlessly flirtatious and why did I have to respond so violently? "Why must you do this to me?"

"Because it's fun, and because you're so beautiful when you blush." He answered smoothly before leaning back with a chuckle. I finally dared to look up after a second to see him playing at a thoughtful expression, "Now, how did that story go?"

"Once upon a time?" I offered.

"Long ago in the days of the ancient kings, there was a mighty ruler of a rich and powerful land and to him a daughter was born. As the girl grew older, it became clear to all those in the palace that the child was exceedingly beautiful and that one day her beauty would draw in suitors who would cause wars for her hand in marriage. The king was a selfish man, so claiming that it was for her protection, the king declared that she must be kept hidden away from the world and that no unworthy eye would be able to behold his daughter. So for many years the princess grew up in more beauty, grace, intelligence, and gentleness hidden inside the palace and even when the king held court or balls, the princess wore a veil so that her beauteous features could not be seen even by the courtiers." His voice had taken on a steady smooth rhythm as he began his story.

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