Surprises and Secrets

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Leaning over the sink of one of the women's bathrooms at the Triskelion I splashed a bit of water on my face. Man, Natasha didn't ever let up on training did she? I suppose her insistence on working on my arm strength until they felt like limp noodles could be payback for how long I'd laughed at her last night for asking how 'one would make a teriyaki'. I had still been giggling when Steve had finally come over and I explained how we actually made the dish.

I rotated my neck, letting my arms hang and rest for a second at my sides before I went to apply some light makeup. I leaned closer to the mirror, focusing on my eyelashes as I brushed on some mascara, grimacing slightly at even the smallest flexes of my muscles as I did so. Even after all this time training, I still felt like such a wuss when it came to exercise. At least I was still noticing results. Even without a shock to provide me with excess strength I was noticing that I could lift more weight, run faster and longer, had quicker response times in sparring matches, and that I was altogether more agile and flexible.

I hated training, honestly, I hated the sweat and the soreness, but then again, since I spent most of my workday sitting behind a desk, it at least kept me in good shape I suppose. Anyways, I was an agent even if I wasn't truly considered a field agent like Romanoff, Rogers, or Rumlow. I had to be prepared for anything!

Except I wasn't prepared for when I managed to poke my eye with the mascara brush. A small gasp escaped my lips as I clenched my eyes shut. Oh! That hurt! Why was I so clumsy?

Blinking away the stinging I moved to lean in towards the mirror again, lifting the makeup brush when my gaze caught onto a pair of amused, jewel-green eyes. I froze momentarily, staring at the reflection of Loki. His form flashed gold and green as it appeared, tall and cloaked in its usual dark green.

My heart raced as he smirked down at me and my mind pulled violently in two directions. One side of my mind leapt for joy at seeing the face of my beloved Loki! It's been so long since I'd seen him, at least a month, and here he was! Finally!

The other half of my mind was frozen in horror as I stared at him because even though I was ecstatic to see him, this was not the place! We were in the women's bathroom of the Triskelion, the very heart of S.H.I.E.L.D! This place was swarming with agents and here was the illusionary hologram of one of earth's most hated villains standing before me with a teasingly smug grin!

I spun around to face him, the back of my hand thunking harshly on the sink counter as I did so, causing me to intake sharply again at the sudden pain. Loki's smugness dropped to a look of momentary worry, his mouth opening to speak when another voice beat him to it.

"Penny? You okay?" Natasha's voice came questioningly from one of the bathroom's changing stalls. She was still changing from her workout gear in there. The only other female in the bathroom with me.

My blood ran cold. Oh gosh! No! If Nat saw Loki... Panic's frozen grip grasped my stomach as my mind whirled. I whipped my eyes around the bathroom as I wondered in a frenzied state of mind what I should do. Where could I hide him? Were there any cameras in here? No, wait, this is a lavatory! There wouldn't be any cameras! Then my gaze locked onto Loki again.

There was no panic on his face. Instead a sad sort of disappointment had settled on his features. Our time was over before it had even begun. He raised his finger to his lips in a shushing motion before stepping towards me, his figure looming over me as his arms wrapped around my form just as the Natasha's changing stall door's lock clicked as she unlocked it. As soon as he would have touched me, his illusion broke apart in brilliant light. My breath caught in my throat as he vanished just as Natasha's changing stall door swung open to reveal the red headed super spy.

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