Measuring Up

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He started leading me towards the door before he halted, seeming to remember something. "Darling. You brought that device with you? The one that contains your music?"

"My phone?"

"Yes, that's what it was called." Loki reminded himself, "You brought it here with you, didn't you?"

"Yes?" I answered, though my answer sounded more like a question, since I wasn't sure where he was going with that question, "It's off right now though... I want to try to maintain the battery for as long as I can before it dies so I can have my music from home as long as possible."

"Your music is important to you." Loki nodded, "You should bring it with us."


"Our inventors may be able to find a way to recharge that, uh... you called it a 'battery'... for you."

I blinked up at him astounded, "But... it's earth tech! How could they-"

"Don't underestimate the minds and technology of my people." Loki chided, cutting me off.

I nodded before quickly dashing into the bedroom where I'd left my earthen clothes behind the changing curtain. From the pocket of my jeans, I grabbed my phone before returning to Loki, handing him the device as the dress I wore certainly didn't have any pockets before I re-linked my arm in his. Loki then led me from my rooms and through the halls.

Even though Loki's legs were longer than mine it seemed to me that he slowed down his steady strides so I could easily keep pace with him. My eyes swiveled around me, trying to memorize everything. After a few minutes I gave up. These hallways and the palace as a whole were just so huge! If I was alone right now, there'd be no way that I could ever find my way back to my chambers, let alone anywhere else. Thank goodness I wasn't alone. I had Loki to lead me around. I couldn't have asked for a better tour guide.

I gave his arm a small tug, drawing his attention to me, "So, where are you taking me first?"

"Would you be upset with me if I told you it was a surprise again like last night?"

"Yes." I replied teasingly, taking note of the gleam in his eye as he smirked to himself as he looked over at me.

"Then, I won't say that." Loki chuckled, before leading me down another flight of steps. "I'm taking you to the seamstresses."

I cocked a brow at him. "The seamstresses?"

"Yes. Of course." Loki answered, raising his own brow back at me. "Although I'm rather fond of this one on you, you'll need more than one gown if you shall be living here, would you not?"

"That's true." I answered, letting my fingers run over the smooth fabric of my gown's skirt. This was such a lovely gift and Loki was making sense, but I couldn't help but feel odd accepting more gifts. I'd woken up in a room straight from a fairytale, eaten gourmet food for breakfast, and opened up a gift of a gown whose quality would've run it to quite a hefty price back on earth. That's not even considering the glittering diamond on my finger...

"They will no doubt want to get your measurements." Loki spoke thoughtfully, "I could only give them an estimate when I ordered this dress for you. Luckily the style is forgiving when one does not know exact measurements."

"I suppose it is." I replied. The golden belt made sure that it fit my waist and the golden collar necklace left plenty of room around my throat for breathing. The skirt, however brushed up against my toes with each step. If it was any longer I would no doubt trip over it.

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