In His Arms Once Again

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"You're still worrying about me, aren't you?" Loki's voice jerked me from my thoughts, making my gaze fly up to look up at his face to see that the emeralds of his eyes were peeking through his dark lashes at me. How long had he been awake? Or had he ever truly been asleep?

"Can you blame me?"

"I suppose not." He chuckled though his lips curled into a slight frown, "I did give you a bit of a scare there, didn't I?"

"That's an understatement." I sighed, dropping my head down and ruffling my hair tiredly before holding my chin in my hand. It was worth it though, to have him here. I'd rather be the one to bind up his wounds than have him struggle to do so himself. I'd rather have him here in my apartment right beside me than anywhere else. I'd missed him so much that some minor heart palpitations caused my panic was completely worth it.

"Thanks to you I'm fine now, Penelope, I assure you." He shifted his hand from his stomach to grasp my free one, yawning. "I apologize, Darling. I'm feeling rather drained."

"Understandable. You've had quite a day it seems. You should rest then." Honestly, I was growing tired too. My adrenaline from my panic had faded leaving me with heavy limbs. I placed my free hand on my knee, readying to push myself up to stand, "Do you want to stay here on the couch or should I make up the futon for you for the nigh-"

"Stay with me." He interrupted, refusing to let go as I tried to stand up, his grasp gentle yet firm as he pulled me to him, his eyes sparking with some emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on.

My heart fluttered a bit as how insistent his drooping eyes looked, sleepiness departing from them in a moment. Nodding slightly I started to take my seat back on the coffee table. I'd stay by his side until he fell asleep then. I'd been planning on watching him until then anyways to make sure he was okay.

"Okay." I murmured, lowering myself back down, but his hand was gently pulling on mine still, trying to pull me closer to him.

"Come here."

Suddenly I understood. He wanted me to lie down with him on the couch! My cheeks started to burn again as I tried to jerk my hand out of his.

"No, Loki, wait... you're hurt and I can't-"


I hesitated, my heart thumping so fast I was sure it was trying to take a running leap to try to escape through my throat. My hand shook in his even as my blush deepened, "Th-there's not much room... we'd be- well, I mean... I-I'd be practically on top of you..."

"I certainly do not mind." He smirked at my stumbling, babbling words and flustered expression; though it was a lazy, vaguely sleepy smirk mixed with his persistent, asking eyes.

Slowly I allowed him to pull me on top of him. My heart hammered mercilessly in my ribcage as he lifted his other hand to maneuver me as I crawled onto the couch with him. He shifted me so that I was laying on my side between him and the back cushions of the couch, which meant that I was partially lying on him as he lounged, my head brought down so that it rested on his shoulder. I was surprised that my face wasn't burning his skin considering how hot it felt. Never had I felt so intensely embarrassed and nervous! I was freaking lying on Loki while he was shirtless with my cheek resting on his bare shoulder! I could feel the rise and fall of each of his breaths and the initial chill of his skin against my hot cheek! I'd kissed Loki before and I'd been held by him and other males for hugs and comfort and such, but never when they were partially exposed! It seemed so... intimate... too intimate to be lying with him like this! We were just so close!

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