The Betrothed's Interrogation

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I froze momentarily as I stared at the expansive room of gold. The chamber was lined in gold columns and at the head of the huge hall was a raised platform with a massive throne centered on it. Elaborately carved wings, very Norse-like in style, curled up on either side of the throne and steps led up to the royal chair. On either side of the throne was a carved, gargoyle-like creature.

Seated on the throne, bedecked in deep brown robes with golden bracers and a golden chest plate complete with shoulder armor, was none other than the king of Asgard, Odin himself. His hair and beard had gone white with age and grew down past his shoulders like sheep's wool. He sat straight backed and grand, one hand wrapped around a long golden spear and the other resting on the arm of his immaculate chair. Even in his old age with the wrinkles that had worn into his features, this man seemed to exude authority and an air that demanded respect as he eyed me with his one watery blue eye, his other being covered over by a golden eye patch.

While the throne and the king residing in it had caught and held my eye immediately, as I was led into the domed chamber, I noticed that there were a few other people present, standing at attention at the base of the platform stairs. There were men in gleaming armor who were probably noblemen or generals and a few stately women in elegant gowns that made them look like rich matrons who were used to possessing power and respect. They eyed me with sophisticated interest as if I were something new and interesting like an exotic animal that's never been seen before in this great hall, though a few faces offered looks of vague disappointment or even just the hint of disdain.

I didn't meet the gazes of any of them, feeling small in comparison to their confidence and their obvious high standing. Yes, it seemed very clear to me why the ancient Norse had considered these beings to be deities. These were formidable people, beings far more powerful than the average human. Not even the strongest kings and politicians of earth seemed to hold a candle to any one of the people in this throne room.

The guards in front of me came to the foot of the raised platform before they dropped down onto one knee, kneeling as they held one hand in a fist, crossing it over their chests as they bowed their heads low. Loki had explained this bow to me while we had ridden to the palace, instructing me to follow the guards' lead when I was brought before the throne. Shakily I brought my fist across my chest to rest above my heart before sinking down onto one knee as well, bowing my head before peeking up at the Allfather.

Could this elderly man, this ancient king from the myths I'd read, really be Loki in disguise? The trickster's illusions had always been convincing, but as I tried to peek up at him through my eyelashes, it was nearly impossible for me to see any resemblance to my raven haired god of mischief.

"Allfather, we have brought the Midgardian woman you sent for." The guard to my right announced, "She is here for the audience you requested."

"Thank you." The Allfather answered as he slowly stood up from his throne, "Arise and be dismissed."

I was quick to get back up, folding my hands demurely in front of me as my escort guards stood up, clacking their long spear shafts against the ground once before bowing deeply at the shoulders. They then turned and marched out, leaving me alone with the Allfather and his handful of courtiers. The Allfather eyed me for a moment and I couldn't for the life of me figure out if I was supposed to meet his eyes or not, so instead, I stared at his mouth trying to see if I could find any resemblance there to the smirking lips of the trickster that I knew. The room was silent as the throne room's doors swung closed after the guards.

"Heimdall. Turn your gaze here to stand as a witness." Odin called in an authoritative voice that rang out over the metallic walls of the throne room.

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