Asgard's Palace

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We approached the palace of gold, dropping out from under the clear sunlight into the massive shadow that the immaculate palace cast. I shivered as the shade fell over us, my eyes scanning the towers and architecture of the magnificent, otherworldly palace. I heard a deep chuckle coming from above and behind me. I tipped my head back just a bit more so that I could just barely see Loki who was smirking down at me. His face was set into a proud expression as he moved his arms tighter around me as I felt myself slipping to the side, unbalanced by the position I'd been in. For a moment I had forgotten my fear and discomfort of riding the horse in my rapture of the palace.

"Careful." He chided teasingly, leaning down close to my ear as I straightened up, tensing in my fear of falling.

I knew he would not let me fall though.

The closer we got to the palace the faster my heart hammered in my chest as my nerves heightened. What in the world... well, in any world... was I doing? I couldn't be here! This realm, Asgard, it was too much! It was too big and grand for a human like me! I had spent most of my adult life in big American cities like New York and D.C., but they were nothing compared to the palace alone!

Guards stood at ready around palace gates, their eyes following Loki and me on the horse. The long, elaborate road led to the front gates of the palace where Loki halted our mare. I'd gone effectively mute, nerves and shyness sealing my voice behind my lips, but luckily Loki's silver tongue was still in play. Using the faked voice of the guard he was disguised as, he announced our arrival and business to the guards who then let us into the palace grounds.

As we passed them I couldn't help but stare at the palace gardens and grounds as they were displayed to us. Loki guided the horse through the grounds, letting me see gazebos and stables, hints of training grounds and garden spaces lined with ancient trees and cobblestone walkways. Once we approached the main doors of the palace, which were great, carved monstrosities of gold, he dismounted from the grey mare. I wondered how he could be such a horseman, so elegant like a Disney prince, and then I remembered that Loki was, in fact, a prince, and an Asgardian one at that! He'd had a thousand years to master horseback riding and all the royal training to make it look effortless.

As soon as he landed he turned to me, chivalrously holding his arms up to me and gesturing that I should slip off the horse and let him catch me. I, of course, had not been riding in the sidesaddle 'lady-like' fashion that I had seen women in medieval movies ride, so I had to lift one leg over the horse's back, which I accomplished in an ungainly fashion, before I gritted my teeth and pushed off the horse like I was going to slide off a play structure slide. Loki caught me effortlessly, his vaguely chill hands remaining on my sides for just a second longer than an actual einherjar helping a palace guest would.

"Are you alright?" he asked me as I smiled weakly up at him in thanks. "Are you feeling ill?"

I couldn't hide the fact that my legs were trembling and that I had no doubt gone pale. "A bit shaky."

He nodded slightly, taking my hands as if to steady me before he looked me directly in the eye, his own emerald orbs showing nothing but soothing support. Gosh, I loved how his intelligent, mischievous eyes would soften when he looked at me. I could happily get lost in his gaze, though I couldn't help but worry that some palace guard or servant would walk up, see us, and grow suspicious, "Don't be nervous, Love. I will take care of everything. I will make sure everything goes well, okay?"

I nodded again, though the movement seemed strangely mechanical even to me. I did trust him. I'd made it this far right? It was far too late to turn back now, and anyways, when Loki looked at me like that it was near impossible for me not to believe him even though he was known as the Norse god of Lies. I gave his hand a small squeeze, savoring the touch and the firm chill of his fingers. I could still hardly believe that he was real, that he was right here beside me, and that I was on Asgard. The solidity of him sort of anchored me into reality, reminding me that this was not a dream and that I could rely on Loki.

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