The Strangest Dinner Date

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Taking my time as I made my way down the halls, I found myself getting a few comments by passing workers.

"Wonderful cookies." One said in passing, while another person a hallway down complimented, "Delicious."

These little compliments raised my spirits a bit until I reached the door of Loki's room again. He hadn't been there this morning, but what was the likelihood that I'd miss him twice in one day? Very, very, very slim. Knowing this, the quick response for me to enter upon my knocking on the door was not much of a surprise.

Keeping my eyes down as I had planned to do this morning, I slowly entered the room, not looking up or around. My plan was quickly spoiled by Loki speaking up. "What? No 'hello' this evening, Penelope?"

This question forced me to look up at him as I neared the table. His smirking face showed that he thought his comment to be very clever and his posture showed that he was comfortable and reasonably relaxed. There he was in his leather chair again, the second book of the Ink trilogy, Inkspell, resting on his lap. He truly looked just as he had last time I had brought him his dinner except for the slightly different book.

"Hello." I responded placing the tray on the table before him.

"I seem to have missed you this morning." He commented.

I nodded, trying not to speak if I didn't have to, keeping with my plan even though my heart was thumping painfully inside my ribcage. In my nervousness I wanted to blabber something else out, but I held my tongue.

He just looked at me with an inquisitive expression, eyebrows furrowed, "You're awfully quiet this evening."

"Am I?" Why did he have to notice things?

He chuckled under his breath, "Yes you are."

There was a moment or two of silence before I responded looking down and away from his face to try to escape his gaze, "Oh."

"Our little conversation last time didn't put you off I hope." He tilted his head down, trying to center himself in my line of vision.

I blushed and turned my eyes even farther away. How could it not have put me off? He enjoyed making me uncomfortable with our conversations, bringing up my tests, asking me questions about myself, and then there was that whole thing about his plan! As far as I knew I had painted a big red target on the back of my head with what I had said about it all!

"It was not the most pleasant conversation I've ever had." I finally admitted.

He nodded his head slowly, taking this in, "While I was not overly thrilled with your answers, it is as much as can be expected." A laughing smile flicked across his face as he placed his book on the low table then sat back in his chair, "It was actually rather refreshing."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Cautiously I asked, "How so?"

"To get the truth. My minions tell me what I want to hear and obey me without a second thought. They'll tell me the truth that they see, though their perceptions are twisted in my favor. You, however, have a free mind and apparently a rather brave heart. You could have easily lied to me and told me that you like my plan, taken the safer route, but instead you tell me the truth, even when you knew who I was, what I could do, and that I wouldn't like your answer." He explained.

I took this in, surprised. So he wasn't angry with me for what I said? In fact he seemed to like my honesty. The corner of my mouth twitched, "The god of lies wants the truth?"

"Ironic isn't it?" He quipped.

I couldn't help but give this comment a small smile, he could be so devilishly charming when he smiled and used his silver tongue. He almost seemed like he wasn't a demigod bent of world domination and more like some guy who was trying to have a fun little back and forth conversation with me.

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