Packing and Pictures

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After taking a few deep breaths I pushed myself off the door, stepping into my room. I needed to get changed. There was no way I was traveling to Asgard in running leggings and a t-shirt. I opened my closet and then froze.

What does one wear when traveling to Asgard? I certainly didn't have any gowns or anything... even my nicer cocktail or work dresses suddenly looked too casual to me. Should I wear a skirt anyways? How were we getting there anyways? Via bifrost? Maybe one of the secret pathways between worlds that Loki'd mentioned before?

In the end I slipped on a pair of my nicer medium–wash skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a soft, grey wool cardigan that hung open and fell to my knees. I smiled at the necklace that hung from around my neck, the pendant shining proudly where it was displayed just above the slight cleavage that the tank top allowed to be displayed. It glimmered just as brightly as the new ring gracing my ring finger. I pulled my slightly messy braid out and brushed through my golden hair that now hung down my shoulder blades before working it into a French braid. I then took a minute to touch up my mascara and eye liner before giving myself a look-over in my mirror.

I thought I looked like a respectable fiancée.

With that I slowly left my room to find Loki waiting for me, a look of worry on his face. His eyes asked me again if I was okay, searching my face and no doubt seeing that my eyes were a bit pinked from the tears that had watered up my eyes. I really must have taken a long time in there if he was thinking I was regretting my decision already. I offered him a small smile, trying to reassure him that I was holding to what I'd said before. He returned it, opening his arms for me to step into, holding me for a moment before pressing a kiss to my forehead. A small shiver ran up my skin at his gentle gesture.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" his lips brushed against my forehead as he spoke, his breath warm on my skin.

"No, it's just... kind of difficult, you know?"

He nodded slightly before resting his chin on top of my head as I leaned my face below the crook of his neck into his chest. We stood like that for a few seconds before Loki spoke up again, "You'll never know how grateful I am, Penny. You're giving so much up on my behalf... I don't deserve it."

"But you're worth it," I mumbled just loudly enough for him to hear me, a blush growing at the boldness of my words, "I'm not asking you to change, Loki. I love you for you, and I know that you can and will be a great man."

His arms tightened around me at my words, making me want to chuckle a bit. This man... everything about him was worth it.

Finally pulling away I stepped into my home office, grabbing my suitcase from where I'd still left it from my last 'business trip' to London. I wondered if this bag would be too large considering how few things I would actually be taking with me. Loki had made it clear to me that when I went with him that he would provide for me. I wouldn't need to take very much with me in all honesty. I'd have no need for my cooking utensils since Asgard's palace's kitchens were no doubt well-stocked, nor would I even need to pack any of my clothes. I wouldn't be taking any furniture or the like.

Placing the suitcase on my coffee table I opened it up before disappearing into my room again, mentally creating a list of the things that I definitely didn't want to leave behind. Mementos, heirlooms, those few important things that would remind me of those that mattered the most. Loki was sitting on my couch when I returned with a small collection of items in my arms, watching me with a solemnness that fit the mood I was in.

The first thing I tucked into the suitcase was the sleek case that held Grumps' pistol, the one I had adopted into my Catalyst uniform. Along with the pistol was its cleaning supplies and the few cartridges for it that I kept at my apartment. I wondered how a human weapon such as the handgun would stand up to Asgardian weaponry. I also wondered if I would ever need to actually use it, but decided that was less important. This was a reminder of my work as the Catalyst as well as a reminder to me of Grumps. I also had the hand carved jewelry box from Grams. It wasn't very big, only being about the length and width of an average book and about four inches deep. Inside it was the strand of pearls that had been Grams' favorite.

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