Welcome to Asgard

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Heimdall's words sunk deep into my brain as Loki led me out of the gigantic golden dome that is the Bifrost. My already wide eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and my very breath got caught in my throat as I stepped out of the dome to get my first true glimpse of Asgard.

It was unbelievable!

My senses could hardly take it all in, my mind seeming to reject the idea that this place could truly be real!

Before me was a huge, almost glittering city centered on the edge of a crystalline blue sea with the rainbow bridge leading from the Bifrost's small island towards the shore! Even at our great distance I could see huge, beautifully structured buildings of various sizes and shapes, massive monoliths, and grand scale architecture on all accounts. I could just barely see canals and lush foliage from trees and in the center of this grand city of gold and stone stood what I could only imagine to be Asgard's palace! Standing tall above the rest of the city, it looked very much like a massive golden pyramid of sorts, glinting richly under the magnificent sky overhead! Behind the city, rising just as majestically, was a long range of mighty mountains backed by puffy white cumulous clouds!

I had to remind myself to breathe as I stared at the glory of Asgard! No wonder it was referenced as the Realm Eternal! It was... beautiful! Truly!

Loki's hand broke me from my revere as he placed it gently on the small of my back. He stood beside me, having allowed me to take in the glorious sight before me as the waters around the Bifrost roared in our ears as it tumbled off, well, the side of the world, seeming to fall into the abyss of the glorious, starry space behind us at the edge of the realm in a waterfall that made Niagara Falls look like a dripping faucet!

He was looking down at me with a proud expression, clearly pleased that I was so enthralled by his kingdom, by the land where he grew up and now ruled. He chuckled as I tore my wide eyes from the splendor before me to focus on him.

"Welcome to Asgard, Penny." He said softly so that only I could hear him, "Shall we?"

I nodded almost dumbly at him, unable to find my voice as he applied a bit of pressure to my back, guiding me gently to step out onto a wide bridge of what looked like crystal that had pulsing rainbow lights shooting just under its surface! With my ability I could feel its strange energy vibrating and pulsing below my feet. It was a warmer kind of energy than electricity... not quite so sharp and maybe just a bit more... I don't know... alive? It was a new kind of energy, strange and foreign, and I could almost feel the buzzing of the energy even though I wasn't in direct contact with the bridge's surface.

Not too far from the golden dome stood a pair of horses, one with an einherjar rider on its back. The guard held onto the other horses' reins, nodding to Loki as we approached. I couldn't help but notice the guard's eyes watching me with curiosity as Loki took the reins of the riderless horse. The guard's studying gaze reminded me a bit too much of the scientist's eyes when they'd been examining me for my ability. I turned my eyes away to look at the horse whose reins Loki was holding.

I'd never been much of a horse girl, unlike some of my friends who had gone through horse phases, but even I could tell that this was a beautiful creature with fine breeding. It was a grey horse with pale dappling along its back haunches, strong muscles ran below its shining coat. Its long tail and mane of a darker shade of grey were brushed, and its deep brown eyes were soft and cow-like. It was easy for a girl who'd been living most of the last five years of her life in cities to forget just how big horses were until she was standing right next to one. I wanted to reach out to stroke its long nose, though I was also hesitant. How does one go about petting a horse? Does one hold out their hand to it so that the horse can snuffle their palm like one should when approaching a new dog or cat?

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