Chapter- 8 :

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"HE clipped her wings and CAGED her and she turned the cage into


Her face turned red.

'You pervert!', she threw the stapled papers at his face.

Well, that didn't turn beneficial for her. He slapped the whole manila at her face in return.

'Watch your actions Jaan, I hate you disobeying me.', he stated in a cold, menacing voice.

She rubbed her face slowly where the manila hit. Tears leaked from the corner of her eye, and she blinked furiously to hold them back.

'This. Is. Ridiculous!!', she chewed even though her poor little heart was thumping dangerously in her poorer ribcage, 'I. Am. Not. A. Doll!'

He grabbed her chin tightly, 'You are, Jaan.'



'Yes master.'

'Have you ordered for them?'

'Yes master. They will arrive tomorrow morning at 9.'

'I wish I could be here to check their quality, but you make sure that they are of the best.'

'Aye master.'


Gauri stared at the stapled paper again. It read,

Dos and don'ts when OSO is away :

• Behave as the Lady of the house.

• Do not get out of the mansion at any cost.

• Do not make noise.

• Do not gossip with servants.

• Do not try to damage any property.

• Do not enter the rooms which are locked.

• Do not ask Dandi any favour that opposes OSO.

• Do ask Dandi if you need any supply.

• Do not carry anything that can cause violence.

• Do not think to explore the manor or go outside, it may cause severe punishment.

• Remain in your room and dine in there only.

• Do not let anyone else to accompany you.

* If you be a good girl, and follow the instructions, you will receive the permission to go out in the garden and roam around every corner of the manor.

* And if you violet any rule, that will cause starvation for a day for each rule.

All the best.
- OSO.

She shut the file with a thud. How can he just order me like that and walk away like nothing has happened.

'You will pay for this OSO, you will soon know what Gauri Trivedi is', she flicked her hair and ran her thumb over the holes of her nose.


Omkara was ready to depart. He gave Dandi his trolley bag and instructed him to drive the car out of garage.

He looked at his watch. 2:00 am. He was on time as always. He wanted to get out ASAP, but, something blocked his feet to the floor.

He slowly creaked open the door of Gauri's room. A smile adorned his lips as soon as her sleeping form was encountered with his gaze. He had only 30 mins before leaving.

Her lips slightly pouted, her long  waves of hair disheveled, a small lock lying over her nose and she blew air at it unconsciously making it fly while breathing.

He chuckled at her cute sleeping face.

But she was a disaster sleeper. The huge furry blanket was clogged at and around her waist, her legs stretched at different directions, one hand dangling out of the bed, her milky back and thighs on proud display.. Moreover, she was sleeping diagonally on the bed, clutching a corner of the blanket near her chest.

His chuckling changed into muffled laughter.

Stepping in, he occupied himself to fix her on bed. Freeing her from the messy blanket she herself created, he lied her down at the middle of the enormous bed. Covering her with the blanket, he heightened the temperature of the ac.

He turned to leave, but stopped. Turning back, he glanced at her face again.

He took baby steps towards her bed. Kicking off his shoes, he got on top of her. Sightly pressing himself upon, he rubbed his nose with hers. She stirred a bit in her sleep, alarming him.

Waiting for a second, he bent again to capture her lower lip. He could feel her heartbeat quicken. Slowly, tenderly sucking her soft, plump sweetness, he tried hard to suppress the urge to ravish her whole mouth, tasting her sweet nectar and walls inside. He continued to tend the softness in his mouth, licking it, tasting her strawberry lip balm.

Gauri's hands feebly clutched the back of his waistcoat. When he parted feeling giddy and his vision going blurry, he heard her mumbling his name.

He pulled her lower lip for a soft smooch again and dipped his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sandal scent deeply.

'I really don't have the heart to go Jaan, bye. I'll miss you.'

He got down noiselessly from the bed and left after pecking her forehead lovingly. Gauri's breath evened again.

'Tight sleeper, you are.', he went out mumbling.


'Dandi! Stop by the 24*7 supermarket before reaching airport, I have to buy a strawberry lip balm and a sandal soap.', he peeked back at his house.. No, home.

Omki kissed sleeping Gauri and look at our chirraiya, she kept sleeping..
So, who else thinks that Omki is finally behaving as a lover boy?
Oh, don't forget, he hit Gauri today again. Ugh!!

Happy reading!
With love,

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