Chapter : 22

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"Can we successfully run away from our fate and leave our oddities behind?"

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"Can we successfully run away from our fate and leave our oddities behind?"




Gauri jumped upon a squealing Anika, crushing her ribcage with a bear hug. Well, after the confrontation session with that Omkara blood-running-cold Singh Oberoi, she threw the catalogues of designs on his face, literally.


'This is your marriage,right?? Fine, do as you like!! I will not poke my nose to sniff uglier truths out from your business!! Damn you!!', she picked a catalogue and threw at him, 'and damn your crazy fantasies!!'

Finally taking a bunch of designs she threw them over his head, yelling,
'Go to hell with your damnass designs!!'

She stormed off.

Omkara pressed his lips in a thin line, his hands balled in a fist, his knuckles turning white. Turning to Miss Mona, he said, 'I guess our meeting is over Miss Mona. I will meet you later to finalise the designs for both of us.'

Mona smirked at him playfully before leaving.

'Jaan!', he stormed inside Gauri's room.

Gauri was curled up on the bed, watching 'Tangled' with a bucket of chocolate sundae. She stuck her tongue out at him and looked at the screen again.

He got up beside her. When he tried to wind his hand around her shoulder, she swatted his hand away.

'Don't touch me with your filthy hands!! I don't know how am I still behaving as a normal human being. Or, am I really??', she shoved more ice crème in her mouth furiously, 'I want to go to Sis's!!'

'You'll go tomorrow morning, right?'

'Hmph!! I'll go now!! I can't endure you for a moment more!!'

Though Omkara wanted to spend some time more with her, he decided against it.

'Okay Jaan, you'll leave today. But after lunch, okay? I don't want you to eat street food and fall ill.'

'As you wish, your highness.'


Anika laughed out loud, 'I don't believe this!! He actually let you out at only one glare??'

'Believe it or not Sis, he did.'

'But, we have to lengthen the pre-wedding in the names of rituals', Shivaay suggested, 'I can't risk your life in there.'

'Yeah, Shivaay', Anika hugged Shivaay, 'but I know, you'll protect my Chutki!!'

'I'm looking for a way out, Ri, Shivaay ran a nervous hand through his hair, 'till then, you're safe in Oberoi Mansion.'

'Hmm Big Bro..'

Gauri looked out of the window from her room in Oberoi mansion. It was a full moon. Soft blow of wind, swayed the outran locks on her face.

Is this the end of our story, Omkaraji?

                   ** 3 weeks later **

'Are you out of your mind Bro??', Rudra bursted in rage, throwing the sherwani across the room, which landed at Anika's feet.

Picking the sherwani up, she rushed to Rudra, 'Rudra, try to understand, this is the only way to save my Chutki. If they get married, he would kill her one day.. Please Rudra, not for love, not for the pressure we're inflicting on you, marry her at least for your friendship! May be, he will leave her once she is married to someone else. Then you can also get separated once he is convinced.. May be, you two become-'

'Enough Sis!! I can't even think that!!', Rudra chided.

'Will you not do this for your best friend?', Shivaay hit the right nerve.

Rudra gulped, 'Does Ri know about it?'

'No Rudra. We told her that we are marrying her off to one of my long time business associates for a short time, and we have convinced her after a long session of blackmailing', Shivaay wiped his forehead, 'you two will face each other after marriage. Please try to understand Rudra, we are doing this to save her..'

'Okay Bro, now leave. I'm coming', Rudra took the sherwani calmly.


'Ru!!', Gauri placed her hand on her heart, trying to calm the surprised beats down.

'Shhh.. Ri. I need to tell you something.'

Gauri placed a finger on her lips. She was looking like a fairy. A designer red bridal lahenga, heavy bridal sets of gold, precious and semi precious jewels lighting up her appearance more, gold based makeup and cherry red lips.. Rudra could appreciate her beauty, but he couldn't lust her. So, he placed his hands on her shoulder, gripping her to boost his confidence.

'Ri, do you know whom are you gonna marry?'

Gauri gripped the hands on her shoulder, her cold palms sweating, 'I'm super nervous Rudy, though Bade Bhaiya said that he was a good guy, I'm not feeling well about it.'

'Ri', Rudra concentrated on her eyes, 'I'm going to marry you.'

The next moment Rudra was on ground and Gauri was on top of his stomach, swatting him frantically, 'you perv!! How can you!! You stupid, idiot, moron!! How can you??'

Rudra caught her wrists in defense, 'whoa, whoa! Put a brake gal.. I'm not going to marry you. I'm going to help you in escaping.'

'You are really??'

'Yes Ri.'

'But how can I flee? Where would I go?'

'First, take my purse. You know the password of each card, right? Climb down the rope I tied to the window and go to Richa's in Bareilly. I've informed her. Till then, I will distract the family and guests.. Okay!!' Rudra lifted his thumb when Gauri climbed the window, 'all the best Ri!'

'Thank you Ru, same to you!!', she jumped.

Gauri was running aimlessly on the street, frantically looking for a bus to get to Bareilly if possible.. Or at least a rickshaw, so that she could get to the rail station.

'Arrey, a runaway bride!!', a hoarse voice stopped her along with a tug in her wrist, 'Come here, young lady, let me quench your thirst for your husband..'

'Leave my hand! Dirty dogs!!', Gauri snarled, but was pushed on road by the man holding her hand.

Looking up, she could see four men surrounding her, their clothes ragged and dirty, they were smelling like filth due to the mixture of sweat and alcohol dissipating from them.

One of them forwarded his hands to remove her veil from her head and she moved her head away in disgust.

The next moment, the man flew backwards, like a piece of magnet nearing the same pole as itself.

I'm worried for poor Ri.. 😨😨

Happy reading!
With love,

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