Chapter : 33

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"I feel you burning in my heart, but I can't point your identity out."


Rudra, Bhavya, Shivaay and Anika bursted open the door of Omkara's bedroom almost together. They froze for a moment when the completely crumbled man looked up at them, his eyes dilated and red, body shaking in inexpressible pain.

'Om?', Shivaay carefully asked.

Omkara ran to Shivaay and hugged him like a scared child, sobbing as he croaked,

'I.. I killed an woman Shivaay! With my bare hands!!', he left Shivaay and stumbled back, looking at his shaking palms, as he fell on the floor on his butts, 'I strangled her.. throat..', his nostrils flared and wide lachrymation washed off his reddened face, as he gasped like an asthmatic patient for dear air.

Though a victorious smirk of satisfaction designed Shivaay, Anika and Rudra's faces, Shivaay covered it quickly with a look of fake concern as he crouched down beside his brother to hold him in his embrace.

'Why are you acting so weird Om? It was just a nightmare. Please calm yourself, did you take your medicine after dinner?', Shivaay asked him like the caring brother he pretended to be to him.

'I did take them Shivaay, still', Omkara was sushed as Shivaay spoke up, 'Don't worry Om, Dr. Ghoshal has already prescribed some tranquilizers for your sleep. I guess you should start taking them before you sleep from tomorrow. Now, wipe your tears and try to sleep- Rudra,' Shivvay wiped Omkara's face and Rudra fetched him a glass of water.

Gulping the ice water, Omkara looked at his visitors apologetically, 'Shivaay, Anika, Rudra, Bhavya, I'm sorry guys, I woke you up midnight',

But he was cut by Anika, 'This is what family is for, Om. Do tell us if you feel troubled, okay?'

'Okay, thanks Anika.'

'Good night Om',they left, but Bhavya turned at him at last, her eyes misted in concern and helplessness.


Everybody was elbowing each other standing outside the kitchen, worried looks etched on their faces as Omkara slowly stood beside them. Bending at Ansh's level, he whispered,

'What's going on champ?'

'Haw! Shweeping (sleeping) beauty! Dangwah(danger) dinnewe (dinner).. Mumma ish cooking todaa(today)', Ansh put his little hand on his heart, acting surprised.

'What's wrong in mumma's', his question was immediately answered as soon as a stench of burnt onions entered his nostrils. Sighing loudly, he shook his head. Ignoring the different types of glares shot at him, he strode towards Anika, who was now mixing garlic powder in water. Her face was sweaty and streaks of flour adorned her face and hair, as if she had played holi with flour.

'Anika, what are you cooking?', Anika jerked her head up to meet two black irises, twinkling in amazement.

'I, uh, trying to make channa-bhatoora, but, its getting spicier than Shivaay's preference!', Anika sighed, exasperated.

'Mind if I help you out?', Omkara poured the burnt onions in a bin and kept the cauldron aside in basin.

'Om.. Its okay', Anika didn't had the tiniest bit of her heart wishing to cook with him. But as she herself had the cook sent away on a holiday, she had to cook something edible for her family.

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