Chapter : 43

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"Its very hard to behave NORMALLY before the person who has made your life ABNORMAL."


Gauri slid down the door of her cabin after slamming it shut. Hugging her knees, she broke in hysterical sobs. Streams of tear flowed down her eyes, unsuccessful in ruining her waterproof eyeliner.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Gauri hurriedly wiped her tears and shut the alarm off. She took a half-day today. She would pick Rikara up from her school and get to home to prepare for the evening.

She didn't plan any surprise. From the flavour of the cake through the menu of the night to Gauri's outfit, everything was of Rikara's choice. She made her wear the saree along with the pair of anklets that were on her ankles on that awful day. She had bought another pair of anklets, but those anklets were still more beautiful.


Mukesh was on the stool, trying to reach the ceiling fan, from where he would hang the big balloon filled with glitters and chocolates.

'I guess it would be easier for me', Mukesh almost fell from the stool as he jumped at surprise. Looking back, he squinted his brows to see a strange man, standing just behind him, smiling slightly.

'Um.. You..', Mukesh stated, unsure.

The man forwarded his hand, 'Hi. I'm Omkara. Omkara Singh Oberoi.'

Mukesh was about to choke on his own spit hearing the name. Yet, he joined his hand for a shake, forcing a smile plastered on his face, 'Nice to meet you Mr. Oberoi. I'm Mukesh. Mukesh Roy.'

Nodding at Mukesh, Omkara took the balloon from Mukesh's hand and climbed up on the stool. After a bit of struggling, he finally was able to attach the balloon at the center of the ceiling fan.

'Mukesh, hold the table and help in setting up the -', a lean lady of Gauri's age entered with a small center- table, but her voice died midway as her eyes dilated as saucers upon eyeing Omkara.

Mukesh smiled awkwardly. Showing his hand at her he said, 'Richa Roy. My wife and Gauri's best friend.'

Putting the table down Richa folded her hands, greeting him. He also greeted her back, folding his hands.

'Cake's here!!'


Two different voices led three people's attention towards the entrance of the apartment. There stood Gauri with a box in her hand. And Rikara jumped in the arms of Omkara, squealing.

'You forgot me!!', Rikara pouted, once settled in the nest of his forearms.

'Sorry princess! I was busy, very very busy with my work.', he made a comic sad face.

'But you came to my birthday!! You know, mumma planned a surprise for me.. But, she is not telling me what it is. You are Mumma's boss's boss, right?? Tell her na, to let me know.', Rikara whined, clinging to his neck.

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