Chapter : 35

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"Is there any mean to cut the spell you created around me?"


'Good morning, Dr. Sen.', Gauri entered the cabin of child psychologist Nandini Sen.

'Oh, morning morning Ms. Trivedi!', Dr. Sen smiled brightly, 'Oh, you brought little Ms. Rikara too.. Perfect! Please have your seats.'

It was a typical Saturday morning for others, but a real busy day for Gauri. After getting her details of the new office, she had almost broken the signals to reach Dr. Sen's chamber in time. Getting leaned over the backrest of the revolving chair, she exhaled a huge amount of air, groaning in exhaustion. The scorching humid summer was a sticky bitch, making her smell like filth due to sweat.

'You've always been to the hills, right?', Dr. Sen asked.

'H.. How do you know?', Gauri jerked up straight on her backbone.

'Relax Ms. Trivedi, just took a wild guess', Dr. Sen winked.

'Haha', Gauri laughed nervously, she hated people knowing about her disastrous marriage.

'Ms. Rikara, do you hate summer too?', Dr. Sen asked Rikara, as she eyed her swinging her legs impatiently and twirling the calendar paperweight on the table.. Clear signs of boredom.

'Me? Yes. Summer is sweaty and see', she extended her hands, 'I got some nasty itchy red rashes too', she pouted.

'By the way, is there any reason you called us here?', Gauri got into business.

'Uh yes! There is a big reason. Like I suspected by Rikara's-'

'Its Ms. Rikara', Rikara cut in.

'Rikara! I told you not to speak up when someone else is speaking, its a bad manner', Gauri rebuked her lightly.

'Sorry mumma.', Rikara concentrated on the calendar paperweight again.

'Its okay Ms. Trivedi, with her test results, this kind of behaviour is normal.', Dr. Sen intertwined her fingers.

'Test results? You mean the IQ test??'

'Yes. Ms. Trivedi, Rikara is a gifted child, her IQ is 175. She's a genius. But, there are some certain problems like her socialization complex, strong emotional impulses, reading difficulties, etc. These problems are normal for gifted child and they need different methods of teaching. So, I will suggest you to contact her school and crèche about it.'

Gauri cut in, 'She's going to new primary school anyway and my office has changed, so I'm looking for a new crèche.'

'Oh, I've prepared her reports for submission and please, many parents of gifted children tend to push them towards excelling in academics, but I would suggest that don't pressurize her, let her choose the career she's interested in, and I assure you, she will shine definitely. And, she may find subjects like history boring, so you have to handle such subjects carefully. And for her brain exercise, you can put her in classes of encoding-decoding, and chess, it will be helpful. And continue with her meditation, that may subdue her hyperactivity.

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