Chapter : 37

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"I'm high.. Not on drugs,
I'm drunk of absolute happiness."


'Sorry sweetie', Gauri undid the headphone.

'Who was she mumma?', Rikara scrunched up her nose in disgust, 'She didn't seem much polite.'

'Yeah, she is jealous of everyone in the world, even of beggars! Leave her, I'm feeling like dancing now!!', Gauri skipped a little.

'Why?', Rikara jumped at a chance of her having a bucket of chocolate sundae with her mumma.

'Its confidential', Gauri bent at Rikara's level, smirking comically, 'Right now, I need to take you to your Richa Aunty's home and celebrate a really good news!'

'Celebration.. Without me?', Rikara pouted.

'Sorry sweetie, its a buddy celebration.. If I take your Richa Aunty tonight, who will protect Mukesh Uncle?', Gauri tried to reason.

'Just joking mumma.. Enjoy!!', Rikara cheered.

'But not before letting this party die down a bit', Gauri asked for two cold drinks at the bar. Handing one glass to Rikara, they raised their glasses for a toast, as they took the first sip together.

She was stealing glances at Omkara, who was now parading around with Naynika clung to him like a gigantic leech, dressed in a skimpy black short dress which needed to be announced as illegal.

He seems much tamed now, Gauri mused, poor man.. She sighed in mock sadness.

Naynika couldn't help teasing her nemesis by getting more plastered to Omkara. She pushed herself to his every body surface available, and as much as Omkara felt irritated, he couldn't yell at the lady, it would hurt the woman and his moralities too.

Tired of getting bitched, Gauri laughed insanely at his stranded, irritated face, in her mind.

Omkara too stole glances of the beautiful lady whenever he could. He was trying to figure out who it could be, any employee of OberoiTech? He would love to see her everyday in office. He was smitten by her beauty in first sight. She is so beautiful.. He thought with such a smile on his face, that Naynika's heart too skipped a beat upon seeing that tantalizing smile.

Slow music was playing and people were gathering towards the diner more, Gauri to almost ran in there. After feeding themselves with delicious treats of Kabul, she snuck out of the party, successfully hiding her escape from people's attention.

The sky was purple with clouds covering it. Light drizzle was making the surrounding dizzy and foggy. Damn the leather dress! Gauri ran inside her car as fast as she could and drove crazily through the wet pitch roads, reflecting the street lights in a deformed shape, though there was much traffic, mostly due to rain.


'This is a VIP club for God's sake, Gauri!', Richa exclaimed, halting before the bouncers.

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