Chapter : 14

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"Both of us wanted a human being to stand by us in all aspects of life.. And we became best friends.. For, friendship is an unit of two souls, irrespective of any gender.


'Hey, where's Ri??', Rudra wondered looking around, 'oh, there she is!'

He spotted her chatting with Richa and a stunning lady in all black. But before he could reach her, Naynika Mathur, the self proclaimed queen bee of the campus had entered the scene. Rudra gulped. If Naynika noticed any of these three brothers, she would definitely hook up with any of them.. He hid himself to make sure that he didn't become her prey, because Shivaay was married and Omkara was scary. They could manage themselves.. But him, an innocent, goody in two shoes, how would he get saved from her claw?? He spotted an old oak and hid behind it.

'Oh my my, how come my fiesty bitch nemesis affords a limited edition Varsace summer dress?', Naynika held the delicate fabric of Gauri's dress between two pads of her fingers, rubbing them intently. Her fair face was hid under a thick crust of makeup and she was towering over Gauri in her six inch heels and most of the boys present were drilling lustful holes in her overexposed legs, breasts and back.

'None of your business, classless slut!', Gauri bit back.

'You!', Naynika raised her heel, but stopped at the faint blue ray coming from the ring in her ring finger, 'oh, so the bitch got engaged. Whom did you hook huh?'

Gauri wanted to laugh out loud. Here, she wanted to run away from this forced relationship, and this annoying piece of crap was envious of her.. Just fucking wow!!

'Would you mind if I say she is my fiancée?', a deep, yet polite voice came from behind.

Naynika's mouth remained hung open as she ogled over the man who held Gauri's waist from behind.

'Haha', she let out a nervous laugh, 'but don't you think', she pulled them apart, 'that this orphan piece of dirt is too low according to your class?', she now clung to his bicep.

'Miss', Omkara started with a threatening growl, but poor him, the clingy girl found it very attractive.

'Naynika Mathur!', was her hasty reply.

'So. Ms. Mathur will you please', Omkara was cut by a screeching Naynika.

'Please, you have the whole day to contribute to the bastard.. At least spend some hours with civilized classy women.. Else your taste will drop lower and lower', she ran her nails over his chest, clinging to him more.

Gauri was having a hard time to suppress her laugh. Just thinking about the consequences what would had happened if it was Panchghani, made her laugh harder. Soon she felt a hand on her shoulder and Turing her head aside she found Rudra wiggling his eyebrows comically. She felt at ease with this little gesture. Both of them laughed out face palming themselves.

'All the best', both of them mouthed at Omkara, giving him thumbs up and playful winks, and left for the dias hand in hand, hopping.

Omkara looked at them as the fuming green monster and also tried to brush off the clingy girl monkey from himself simultaneously.


A huge round of applauses roared when Gauri climbed the dias to receive her valediction for her double B. Tech. degree in Instrumentation Engineering and Market Study. Clad in the black cloak and the graduation cap, she hopped down to run into the arms of her Sis, followed by a widely grinning Shivaay, who placed a small kiss on her temple and finally Rudra pulled her in a bear hug, almost crushing her bones.

In the meantime, Omkara tuned himself out from the constant boasting that his ears were gifted in a over-the-top sweet voice. He felt his chest swell with pride to see his Jaan, his little, petite, fiery companion smiling brightly under the sun, lighting up the landscape more.
When he saw Rudy was done crushing her breaths out, he jerked off the manicured nails clawed at his bicep and hurried towards Gauri.

'Jaan', he bent at her level, 'I'm proud of you', he kissed her cheek, and Gauri turned beetroot red.

Anika flinched a little seeing them together, she snuggled into Shivaay's blazer, 'Shivaay, you said Rudra will surely marry my Chutki.. But now, Satan's alter ego, Om is her fiancé! Shivaay, you have to do something! I cannot lose my Chutki again, not when we found her after these many years.. Promise me!'

'I promise Anika',

'Pinky promise?', Anika held out her pinky.

Shivaay entwined his pinky with hers,  'Pinky promise', he smiled assuringly.

'How I wish, Om wasn't like this', her eyes welled up.

'Sometimes we do have to get on our knees before fate', even the great wall of SSO had a hairline crack of doubt when it came to fate and karma.

'Om', Shivaay tried to gain attention of his brother who was now whisper talking with Gauri, playing with her hair and fingers.

'Yes Shivaay', Omkara looked up.

'I threw a graduation party for Gauri in our house. Please take Gauri there. And, if you don't want to attend, then at least send her with us.', Shivaay cautiously dropped the topic, waiting for Omkara's outburst.

'No Shivaay. I will not let my Jaan go alone, at least when I got her here.', Omkara grinned, 'I'm coming to Mumbai with you. Let's go together.'

'O, sometimes you are a darling.. OBro Moment!!', the brothers engulfed themselves in a hug.

Oh, so this monster can be a very adorable brother too.. Gauri thought.

'Chutki! Let's go!', Anika pulled her towards the car.

'Coming Sis', she hugged a wailing Richa, promising to be in touch with each other, and clicked as many selfies as they could. Obviously in Richa's mobile.

'Call me as soon as you get your new phone', Richa shouted from behind.

'I will', Gauri shouted back, getting into the huge SUV.

Omkara was busy sending away the Mercedes, and Shivaay furiously whispered in Rudra's ear,

'Like seriously Rudra? You are so protective and caring towards Ri and you still call yourselves just best friends?!?'

Bro, I love Ri. As much as I love you, O or Sis. But I can never imagine her as my wife,  the mother of my children. We are free to each other far more than a husband and wife..  But she is my buddy Bhaiya,  no matter if she is a girl or a boy, my  feelings for her will never falter.'

Shivaay sighed.

OMG! I like this funny but mature Rudy more!!
Hey! Gauri is going to meet the whole Oberoi clan soon. What do you think??
And I got a question in last chapter asking why did Anika want to hide Gauri from Omkara? I thought to give this question a try in this storyline. Thank you so much for such inputs. I promise this story would spice up a bit more.. But in good sense or bad, that is up to you to inform me🤔😉

Happy reading!
With love,

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