Chapter : 26

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"I spent a passionate, pleasurable, beautiful.. night, I spent the night with a demon."


Bright sun rays peeked through the lacunas of leaves in canopy of The Lady of The Night, forming oval patches of faint gold on the naked couple, soundly sleeping cuddling to each other, a white furry blanket partially covering their legs, and a serene, contented smile adorning their lips.

The rays hit Omkara's eyes first. He covered his eyes with his hand, groaning in annoyance. But just then a light breeze passed, a curtain of silky locks brushed his face, and he blinked at the nest of tangled hair just before his eyes. He must have startled a bit, for two tiny arms fisted on his chest, now snaked over his shoulder sluggishly, raising goosebumps on his skin and a melodious raspy voice scolded him whisperingly,

'Omkaraji, don't stir!'

A chuckle reverberated from his chest as he didn't oblige and pulled the strands near his nose, inhaling the light scent of the flowers, and his other hand started drawing vague patters on her back, his fingers dipped in the layer of strands above her delicate skin.

'Omkaraji..', came the ringing voice, heavy in warning.

Flipping upside down, he got on top of her again. As soon as her back slammed lightly against the dew drenched grass, she shivered, and her eyes shot open.

'Omkaraji!!', she chided, surprised by the sudden change in temperature.

Smirking, he lowered his head at the croon of her neck, slightly grazing his stubble at her cheek.

'Omkaraji!!', she squealed, pushing him by his chest with her little palms.

'What Jaan?', he asked while caressing her sides, tickling her.

She let out little squeals again, 'your beard, it tickles!'

He laughed out loud, as if mocking her cute complaining pout, and started rubbing his cheeks with hers faster, making her shake in squeals beneath him.

'Omkaraji!! Leave na..', she started punching his shoulders, and he started laughing throwing his head back.

As his fit of laughter died down, he showered kisses all over her face. Finally when she snaked her hands around his neck, he pulled her lips in a soft kiss, his teeth lightly grazing over the tenderness of her lower lip, and she tended his upper one.

'Good morning Jaan', his raspy voice sent waves of current through her spine.

'Good morning Omkaraji', her beautiful, quite voice chimed through the thick air between their lips.

He got from upon her and dressed in his robe. Extending his hand he gestured her to come up too. She got up from her lying position, but as soon as her body posture became angular, a searing pain shot up from the core of her lower region, making tears roll down from her tightly clenched eyelids to subdue the soreness.

'Aah!', she whimpered.

Shaking his head, he bent to make her wear her robe and picked her up gently in his arms, scooping her in his flexing muscles. She snaked her hands around his neck, clinging to him, and rested her head over his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart, calming her chaotic mind down.

'So, tiny and fragile you are', he kissed her forehead, 'my little butterfly.'

She flared her nose, snorting, 'I'm not tiny or fragile! Its you, who is as tall as Eiffel tower!!', she pouted, 'And, I didn't ask you for a second round. See, what you have done to me!!', her pout got more puffed, like that of those kids, who are being denied of a candy.

'Oh really?', he asked amused.

'Don't be such a prick!! Look at the hickeys you gave me in my neck, shoulder!! Bhavya is gonna tease the hell out of me today', she squinted her eyes at him, her tone was that of a cranky kid.

'Ha ha ha ha ha, don't blame me!! Look at my neck, wrist, back. You have almost ripped my skin off! We're even, okay?', he leaned closer to her, covering her pout softly by his own lips, sucking her annoyance out.

'Sorry Jaan, its just.. I can't control myself when you act so cutely.. My whole body heats up and I just.. I just feel like.. You know..', he trailed off, giving off an innocent toothy grin.

'Awww, my sweet Jatadhari Hippie', she quickly pecked his nose.

'I don't know how you manage to bring the kid back in me', he touched his forehead to her, sighing dreamily, their eyes locked, exchanging emotions of love, trust, admiration and what not.


Surprisingly enough, Bhavya silently dabbed a thick layer of foundation over her purple love bites, her facial expression measured, cautious.

Looking at her stone face, Gauri mentally kicked herself. Dammit idiot! Who told you to tattletale about Bhavya's teasing to Omkaraji?? Now, he, the super egoist alpha male surely has cut down her wings for mocking her mistress.

'Bhavya?', Gauri eyed Bhavya's eyes cautiously in the mirror, 'Is everything alright?'

Bhavya just shrugged her shoulders, increasing Gauri's guilt.

'Bhavya, see, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.. I just blabbered in a rush, I will talk to him.. I will', her voice halted as her guilty eyes collided with Bhavya's confused and clueless gaze, it was evident that her anxiety was not related to her tattletale at all.

Clearing her throat awkwardly, Bhavya stammered a bit, 'I.. I need a favour', she hesitated, her eyes refusing to meet Gauri's.

'What favour Bhavya?', Gauri blinked, completely clueless about her upcoming demand.

'Uh.. Umm.. C.. Can I use your phone??'

Gauri's jaw dropped to the floor.

I'm late.. Actually I was in college. So couldn't write the update. At first I thought to skip today, but later the bug in my mind changed my decision.

So, can you guess why Bhavya wants to use Gauri's phone??

Happy reading!
With love,

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