Chapter : 44

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"How I wish he wasn't like this.."

~ Anika
(The Fairytale I Never Dream Of)


Gauri breathed deeply after putting down the flute. The room was awkwardly silent. The only sound was that of the wall clock ticking its hands towards eleven.

She looked at her audiences, looking back at her in pregnant silence. Rikara sensed the need to break the calmness.

Clap! Clap!

Rikara's little palms batted together to snap everyone out of their trance. Everybody jolted and joined Rikara, praising Gauri's artistry.

Omkara wasn't able to react at all. He still was lost in the melodious tune of the flute, his eyes not blinking, as if this surreal image would vanish the moment he would bat his lashes.

Gauri looked up at him, her hazel orbs drowning in his black turbulent ocean, until Richa screeched,

'Oh my God! Its eleven!! Gauri, we need to leave!', pecking Gauri's cheeks Richa stood up followed by Mukesh who bent at her ear muttering,

'Are you sure you'll be okay?'

'He has amnesia, I'm as good as a stranger to him.. Don't worry, I'll be fine', Gauri smiled assuring.

'Okay, good night', Mukesh went out behind Richa.


Rikara was yawning like a cat for a long time, so both Gauri and Omkara went to tuck her to the bed of her new room.

Coming out, Omkara asked, 'Isn't she too young to have a room for herself and sleeping there alone?'

Already acting as a dad, Gauri replied,  'I think its time she starts learning to live on her own. And having a room for herself to take care of will be a good start.'

Omkara hummed in agreement.

Why is he still here? Gauri got nervous. They went out in the balcony, dull light of moon washed over the jungle of concrete, buzz of the hustling bustling of night Kolkata came from a distance. They stood there holding the railing of the balcony in comfortable silence, night breeze ruffling their locks like the caress of a mother.

A rickshaw passed below the balcony, the light tinkle of its bell alarmed the dogs sleeping in ghostly darkness of the alley. They growled lightly, warning the cause of their disturbance.

He moved closer to her, his one hand snuck behind her waist, and he pushed the small of her back slightly to get a hold of the railing, just beside her left palm.

Her breath hitched as she could feel him almost plastered at her back, his crisp silk shirt rubbing at her bare back. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when he lowered his head and placed his chin on her shoulder.

'Are you afraid of me?', he breathed almost inaudibly.

Sorry Jaan.. I just hate lies, in moments she remembered the slap. Flinching slightly, she nodded positively in a daze.

The Fairytale I never Dream Of : A Rikara Story [ ✔ ] Where stories live. Discover now