Chapter : 47

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"Love is blind, yet it takes our everything to make us fall in love."


'How much?', Gauri took out her purse and peeked in through the front window.

'Three fifty, Madam', came the driver's voice from inside.

'Okay', Gauri started struggling to hold Rikara and the purse in one arm while her another arms started rummaging the purse to take out the necessary notes.

'Here, keep the change', an unmistakable deep voice came from behind Gauri as a broad arm stretched from beside her rummaging hand and a note of five hundred reached the driver's hand.

'Thank you sir', the driver revved the engine and went off.

'Omkaraji.. It was I who took the cab, not you', Gauri rebuked the man sternly, how could she mistake the intoxicating musky scent of his deodorant.

A full throated laugh echoed in the ghostly dark ally and some dogs barked sleepily, warning their territorial voice enemy.

Omkara took Rikara in his arms as Gauri groped out the key of her flat. When they were climbing the flight of the stairs till the second floor, Omkara asked Gauri from behind, 'Where were you?'

Gauri stiffened. Without answering him she opened the door of her flat and switched on the lights. The drawing room was flooded with yellow lights immediately and Omkara put a sleeping Rikara on the biggest cane couch.

'I.. I went to meet my sister in-law, it was her wedding anniversary', Gauri picked Rikara up and put her to her bed.

Omkara leaned on the backrest of the cane couch, tapping his chin, musing over her alibi. It was true that on Rikara's birthday, he arranged to keep her Sunday evenings for their meeting. But she went out just at the third week.. Is she trying to avoid me?? Is she uncomfortable with me?? Or worse, is she being bullied by the neighborhood for bringing a guy over her place?? The last thought made him ball his hands in a fist until his knuckles turned white.

Coming out from Rikara's room, Gauri watched him mumbling to himself. She knew immediately that something was troubling him. She took a glass of water and went to him.

'I'm sorry sir, I went out without telling you, actually I thought you wouldn't like coming here every Sunday.. To be precise, I didn't take your approach seriously. Sir, I'm sorry again', she mumbled forwarding a glass.

Omkara emptied the glass in a go. Putting the glass down on a small centre table he looked up at Gauri who was standing at the opposite side of the centre table. Her head was bowed down and her left toe was drawing imaginary patterns on the floor.

'Come here', he patted the space beside him in the sofa.

Gauri reluctantly sat beside him, keeping a decent distance. Omkara turned slightly at her and asked her, 'You still meet your in-laws?? Are you on good terms?'

'Oh yes! We are!', Gauri smirked mentally, sensing where the conversation was heading.

'Hmm.. When did you got separated?', Omkara held his temples, his head was pounding.

The Fairytale I never Dream Of : A Rikara Story [ ✔ ] Where stories live. Discover now