Chapter : 38

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"I don't know how to convey my desire for you."


'You betrayed me?', he thrust in her, 'How dare you?', he slammed her wall again. 'How? Dare? You?', he thrust deeper in her at the end of each word, tears running down from his eyes too.

'Ahwww.. Ah!', Gauri shot up on her bed, perplexed. Cold sweat ran down her scalp and she had fisted the bed sheet in a white knuckle grip. She clenched her thighs together to subdue the mortal pain at the juncture of her legs, whimpering, as fresh set of tears washed her face, making her skin itchy and flamming.

'Mumma!', a panicked Rikara hugged her neck from aside, standing beside her, 'Its okay mumma, everything will be alright', she started rubbing her back with her little palms.

'I'll bring water for you', Rikara climbed down from the bed and ran towards the kitchen.

Finally, I've found my way out of my terrible past. I've left behind everything, everyone.. Even those whom I loved and cared most for. But there is a part of the man I fear, hate and loathe most, still sticking to me, Gauri mused as she took the glass from Rikara's hand. Gulping down the water, she pulled her in her arms and laid down on the bed, caressing her hair.

'Mumma is perfectly okay', she patted Rikara's hair to sleep, as the beaming full moon's radiating happiness glowed their sleeping forms in a silvery aura, but some stray dogs howled in unison, scared of something.. Indicating ominous presence.

** Six Days Later **

'These six days suck my blood out, finally, finally I got some time today to explore the office', Gauri murmured while roaming around the enormous building, decorated so tastefully, that regency and beauty were oozing out of each furniture, each panel on the walls, each tile on the mirror-like floors, even from the air perfumer that lingered in the nose.

In this way, she reached the 9th floor,  beneath which her cabin was. It was the top floor of the building and the whole building was OberoiTech's office.

'Uff! Huff!', Gauri walked towards a large sliding wooden door, 'Activity Corner' written on it, to find out the source of the panting behind it.

Sliding it open, her jaw dropped to the floor. It was a huge hall of partitioned glass cabins. One of the cabins was a multigym, and it was fully packed. People, dressed in comfortable workout clothes were exercising, some were practicing kicks and punches under the supervision of a bulky man. Another glass door led to a small library, some people were reading with such attention that it seemed as if the glass walls of the library was soundproof.

But her feet carried her towards another mehgony door, and her heart skipped a beat when she found out the room's purpose, dimly lit by low voltage bulbs attached in antique, designer, bulb holders.


Omkara entered the office cursing under his breath. The woman, his PA, was a headache. Daughter of a rich businessman, definitely planning to get hooked to him for marriage, and working as his PA, to increase his workload more than to lessen.

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