Chapter : 41

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"Stop surfacing yourselves, filthy memories!!"

~ Omkara
(The Fairytale I Never Dream Of)


'Why haven't you finished your homework yet?', Gauri asked with a frown.

'Sorry mumma. Today an uncle came to me and we had a lot of draw time! So, I will now finish my homework!!', Rikara opened the zip of her bag excitedly, 'He also gave me this handmade cartoon!', she showed the sketchbook Omkara gave her.

With her brows twisted in a deeper frown, Gauri started flipping the pages slowly. With the flow of sketches through the pages, she understood the brilliant idea of teaching a story to a kid like Rikara.

'Mumma!! He was soo big!!', Rikara got onto the divan and extended her one hand up, the highest she could, 'This tall! Like a dinosaur!! And he looked so scary with long hair and his face too was covered with prickly hairs!', Rikara giggled.

What the fuck! Why does he have to poke his nose in my life when he doesn't even remember my name!!, Gauri made a disinterested poker face. But Rikara was too fascinated with her new uncle.

'He said he will supply paper for me! He was so funny and his hairs tickle a lot!!', Rikara bursted in laughter.

'But, why did you meet a stranger? Did I not forbid you?', Gauri asked in a warning tone.

'He took me to see you working and what could I do? The aunty in the new playhouse threw me out', Rikara pouted.

'What??', Gauri freaked out, 'How could they? How dare they?', she fumed in anger, 'I'm going to talk to them tomorrow!!'

'Uncle did that too.. He himself took me there and bawled the aunty badly and even shouted at her. He looked more scary with red eyes when he was rebuking her', she giggled again, 'The aunty always shout at us, but tomorrow she was shaking in fear before uncle!'

'Okay okay, now stop your Ode to Hero Uncle and finish your homework!', Gauri got irritated and stomped inside the kitchen to make themselves dinner.


A lady was dragging a little girl out harshly, under the scorching sunlit porch. He was looking at them from a distance. The lady threw a schoolbag beside her and a crayon box upwards, making the crayons break in pieces.

'Nooo...', he cried.

But his father didn't budge. He continued breaking the crayons, brushes, splattered colours on the floor from his watercolour tubes, turning his sanctuary in a mess of colours.

'Dad please.. Dad..', little Omkara hugged the thigh of a raged Tej, who was now targeting his sketchbooks.

'These sorry excuses of paintings are not gonna increase the shares of the Oberoi Empire!! I scolded you, beaten you up, but you didn't budge!! Now, if I destroy your tools, you'll not dare to hold them again!!', brushing Omkara off his leg, he started tearing the sketchbooks, numerous sketches were destroyed in just some snaps.

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