Chapter 1: Yoongi

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Yoongi's POV

"Chief Min Yoongi, please report to Commander Kim's Office

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"Chief Min Yoongi, please report to Commander Kim's Office. Thank you," I heard the loudspeaker say.

I sighed. "Goddamn it Namjoon, will you ever let me live in peace?" I pushed myself off of my Office chair and grabbed my coat before I left my Office. I bumped into Hoseok, my best friend, and my Secretary.

He chuckled as he saw my sour face, "Brighten up hyung, I don't think Namjoon-ah had an impossible mission like the last one."

"He better not," I groaned as I started to walk away from him to Namjoon's Office. Hands in my pockets and some people stared at me.

I knocked on his door before he told me to enter. There was SeokJin hyung, his Personal Secretary, I bowed at the two of them and sat on the chair in front of Namjoon. He cleared his throat and put his glasses up to his eyes once more. I don't wanna know what he and SeokJin were doing but it's obvious since his tie was off a little and his hair was slightly a mess.

"You called Commander Kim?" I asked.

"Chief Min, I have a new mission for you," he told me.

"What is it, Commander?" I asked.

"There is this Psychiatric Hospital in Gwangju-si. There have been rumors that people have been taken there, not to treat their mental issues but... the thing is... this place is haunted. People who normally take these young people are parents or enemies who trick their acquaintances about going to that place to 'heal' themselves. As long as I know, it has been rumored that they torture their patients and they let the dark forces of that place make them more insane than they already are. Your mission is this," he paused for a second. "Have as much information on them and report them to me. We will fake your psychiatric diploma just in case they ask you for one. We will give you a new name and make you a new identity so that they won't know your real one. However, be careful, we do not know how crazy these people are. Watch your back and trust no one."

"Commander Kim, with all my respect, but you know I don't trust anyone so easily. I'm not a fool to just trust whoever I do not know. Remember how hard it was for me to get along with Hoseok? How long did I take to fully trust him and believe in him?" I asked him.

"5 years," he answered without hesitation as he chuckled.

"Now then, why me out of all the idiotic lower rank fools in here? At least they would have a chance to get a higher rank," I sighed.

"Because I trust you. Sure, we have a lot of new recruits this year, but no one is as loyal and as focused as you. I trust you will do your best and knowing how persuasive you are, you won't have a problem to convince those idiotic psychos of your new identity... Doctor Woo," he pushed a folder in front of me and I took it, opening it.

"You had this planned for a long time, didn't you?" I gave him an unamused face and he chuckled nervously as he scratched the nape of his neck. I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. But I better get a good long ass vacation after this."

"Sure thing hyung," he nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing," I put my index finger on my lips. "How exactly am I going to pass as a psychiatrist when I barely know anything about Psychology?"

"That's why we have Lieutenant Taehyung to teach you some quick facts since he studied Psychology in his High School years," Seokjin told me.

"That kiddo got promoted really quick..." I muttered under my breath.

"Well, he does study a lot and he is very focused and determined to be one of the best soldiers in here. He wants to work alongside you and Jungkook. He really admires how hard you two work, but mostly he looks up at Jungkook," Seokjin laughed a little.

"That kiddo is gonna go far if he keeps this up," I commented.

"Just study a bit your new name and identity, get familiar with some facts about yourself. I mean, your new self," Namjoon told me.

"Sure thing, I'll keep this in mind. And Namjoon-ah, thank you, Commander," I slightly grinned. "Even though you annoy me sometimes, but I am thankful that you see that I do everything just to be where I am right now. Thank you for trusting me with this new mission I have to do, I will make sure to study a bit of my new identity and to tell Lieutenant Taehyung to teach me some Psychology."

"Fighting, Chief Min! We believe you can do it!" Namjoon cheered and Seokjin smiled brightly beside him.

"I'll be taking my leave then, but one more thing... Am I going to move to Gwangju-si for awhile? If so, I need to pack some of my clothes-"

"I already have that done for you, you have new clothes and some Psychiatrist clothes as well, don't worry about that. We got you covered," Namjoon interrupted me.

"Holy shit, for how long have you been planning this?" I asked with pure creepiness.

"For a while, now go and study yourself!" he commanded.

"Sir, yes, sir," I said as I took up and saluted both of them in a Military manner and excused myself out of the room.

If they start to make out just as I close the door I won't be surprised, I thought to myself. I stopped for a while and heard Namjoon saying.

"Where were we?"

I knew it! I started to walk fast and left before I started to hear them. Aish, those two need to know when to stop, I mean, they are at work, can they not wait until it's night?

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