Chapter 23: Hurt

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Jimin's POV

We came and we found two girls I knew nothing of crying, I bet they lost someone they loved

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We came and we found two girls I knew nothing of crying, I bet they lost someone they loved. Suddenly one with dark skin and curly black hair looked at Yoongi and she cried out to him.

"Yoongi Oppa!" she cried with someone hugging her tightly.

"Ash-ah, what happened?" Yoongi rushed and I followed behind him.

"I-i-it's GA JR..." she said while choking on her sobs with the girl on her arms.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She was beaten up in here... no one has seen who it was... the CCTV outside of her room did not help at all. We don't know who hurt her again..." she cried.

I felt my blood boil, She's more hurt after what she did for us? Who the hell does that?!

I went up to the counter and asked the nurse where GA JR was but all she told me was that she was getting treated, that she would tell us when the doctor authorized visitors. I paced back and forth and tried to calm myself down, but when Yoongi tried to put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking I slapped his hand and I was shocked at my own actions. I looked at him with puppy eyes and apologized.

"I'm so sorry hyung... I'm just so pissed..." I massaged his hand that I smacked and he nodded.

"I feel you, I know you're pissed, but being angry won't solve anything, we need to find out who was with her and why they did this," Yoongi pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

I honestly felt so useless, I felt guilty and miserable, how can someone hurt such a noblewoman who sacrificed her life for her friends' lives? What kind of sick bastard does that?

We waited for 30 minutes and then the doctor came, at that same time, Hoseok came with a big smile on his face with Namjoon and Jin, Jungkook behind them with Taehyung looking ever so cheerful like the first time we introduced ourselves.

Jungkook gave me a dirty look, did I do something wrong? Taehyung patted my head as Yoongi put one of his arms around my waist.

"She's stable now, her stitches almost ripped open due to the pressure that this person put on them. She has been put to sleep, but I bet that she can hear you guys. So please, one by one, go and talk to her, in her condition, she needs words of encouragement. She has had it rough, and she is so lucky that she survive the blood she lost once more. I don't think to make her write things down would help, she needs rest and relaxation in order to fully recover, you guys told us that someone would look 24/7 after her, who is that?" the doctor asked.

The girl named Ash raise her hand as she wiped the rest of her tears away, "I am."

"Well then, let the nurse guide you to the room where we have the nurse uniform and get ready, we do not know who hurt her inside this Hospital. I felt her with a bodyguard just in case for now, but I think that if you're there with her, it will calm her down and make her feel secure since you have been best friends for a long time. We will still check every CCTV and try to see who could have done it," the doctor informed us.

"But who the hell would come and do such a thing in a Hospital and for what reason?!" Hoseok shouted angrily, his happy mood now turned into a dark aura, I felt scared of this guy for the first time.

"We do not know, but we will try and find out," the doctor signaled Ash to follow his nurse and she nodded as she followed behind the nurse and left us there.

"Hey, Hoseok, where's Jisoo?" Yoongi asked him.

"She told me she needed to buy herself new clothes since the clothes she had has run out of 'style'," he quoted with his fingers.

"Jisoo Unnie?" the girl who was with Ash asked.

"Yeah, do you know her?" Hoseok asked her,

"That was GA JR's good friend, I know her, but didn't she have a crush on you?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, indeed, she had, but now we're together," Hoseok told her.

"Did you break up with GA JR?!" the girl asked.

"I thought she was dead, I didn't know until now, for 2 years she has been missing and Jisoo was always there for me when I needed her. I decided to start a new beginning and move on-"

"You idiot!" the girl pushed Hoseok by his chest and started to throw punches on his chest, letting all her anger out on him. "NO WONDER WHY SHE ASKED ME TO KILL HER! YOU BROKE HER HEART! YOU ASSHOLE! HOW COULD YOU!!?!?!? I HATE YOU!! YOU HURT HER, YOU BASTARD! I HOPE YOU DIE! IF SHE NEVER DATED YOU SHE WOULD NEVER BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

I quickly went to stop her and she wiggled around in my arms, "Calm down, girl please-"


"THE CHILD NEVER HAD THE CHANCE TO LIVE!" he shouted and Miu stopped fighting me.

"What...?" her eyes teared up again. "What... what happened to... the baby...?"

"Those sick people hurt her so bad that the fetus died..." Hoseok lowered his head and Yoongi went to comfort him.

GA JR was pregnant and those assholes hurt her and the fetus...? I felt hot tears in my eyes, gosh, she went through so much. Not only did she lose her boyfriend, but also the baby she was waiting for? That's too much for one little person.

Miu hugged me and cried on my chest, I felt her pain and I hugged her tightly while crying with her. I put my chin on her head and her legs gave up on her, but I manage to help her stand up although the scratch on my thigh was starting to bother me. I decided to sit down with her on my lap and lightly hit my chest meanwhile muttering things that I could not understand.

My chest felt like it was being torn apart, would I have managed that if I were in her shoes? Would I have stood the pain of losing the child I was waiting for? I don't think so. I might be a man, but if I was a girl, I would surely feel broken knowing that my child never had the chance to be born and loved.

She never told me, and I see that Yoongi was as hurt as I was. It's rare to see him cry, but tears glittered on his small eyes. The rest stayed quiet with their heads down as they sat on a chair.

"So, do anyone of you wanna go first?" the doctor awkwardly asked us.

"Can I go?" Miu asked and he nodded.

"Please follow me miss," the doctor told her, she stood up and I made sure she did not fall while getting off of my lap. She walked behind the doctor and I turned my face to face Yoongi. His tears rolled down his face as Hoseok cried with so much anger and sadness in them. I guess Miu's words hit him hard.

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