Chapter 7: Sides

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Yoongi's POV

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" I chuckled, this was the 5th time we have been playing this and Jimin still lost

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"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" I chuckled, this was the 5th time we have been playing this and Jimin still lost.

"AGAIN!" he shouted in frustration, I lightly laughed at him. "Why the hell are you laughing at?!"

"Come on, we have been playing this for awhile, stop denying the fact that I'm getting my way and not yours," I chucked and he threw me a glare before he abruptly got up and pinned me down.

"What are you-" he put his face close to mine, I put my hands on his chest before he got any closer. "Chill, I was just joking around, shees."

"Are you some kind of sorcerer?" he asked seriously.

"Um, no, it's just easy to read you," I told him.

"How?" he put his forehead against mine.

"First of all, get off me. Second, it's too obvious when you look at someone in the eye, you can tell what's their next move," I told him and he slowly got off of me.

"Hasn't anyone told you that's kind of weird?" he gave me a little glare.

"Well, it's not like I pinned you down the floor just like you did a couple of seconds ago," I retorted.

"Cliche," he told me.

"Exactly, so you're one to judge," I told him and he grinned.

"Not if you can't speak," he smirked.

What is he thinking? I thought, but he rose once more and this time I reacted by pinning him down on his bed.

"Well, well, well, didn't someone switch role now?" he smirked at me.

"Be quiet, I literally thought you would have hurt me this time," I told him. "The look in your eyes did not lie."

"You were not wrong," he told me as he smiled sweetly at me like some little kid.

"I think you've lost your marbles," I told him.

"I am not surprised I've lost them," he laughed and I shook my head before I let him free from my grasp.

What am I gonna do with you? You're literally nuts and I'm just following your game instead of you following mine, I slapped myself mentally. Idiot, get your shit together.

"Well then, how about we work on putting you up together since I won the game?" I cocked an eyebrow and he groaned while he started to get off of the straight jacket and shown me all his bruises and cut and marks. My cockiness faded as I saw how badly injured he truly was. "Holy shit, how do you manage to live?"

"Believe me, I had worse, those marks on my back, do you see them?" he asked. I went behind him and a cold shiver went through my body. The scars were there but you can clearly tell that it must have hurt him like hell.

"Wh-who monster did this to you?" I asked.

"Those are the 'experiments' they run on me, why do you think I wanna kill myself?" he asked me.

"I'll... I'll... I'll do everything in my power so that they won't hurt you," I don't know why I said that but... how can one sane human being do this to someone who's mentally sick and they need help?

"How, eh? How are you going to do that?" he glared at me. "You're just saying a bunch of nonsense just to get me to open up to you. So screw you, asshole."

He has a point, I'm not a hundred percent sure how I will do that when I'm just a new doctor here. I never felt so powerless until now, how can these people live in peace knowing they are hurting these defenseless people just for fun? How would they feel if they were the ones in their shoes? I kneed in front of him and look straight at him in the eye. "I'll do what I can, and help you get out of here."

Jimin's POV

He's nuts, okay? I think he is just a stupid ass doctor who knows nothing of who he is facing

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He's nuts, okay? I think he is just a stupid ass doctor who knows nothing of who he is facing. It's clear to me that he has no clue what he is going to do, but what was that confidence in his voice? It almost convinced me that he was going to do something and not stand around like others. What was that confidence in his voice? Why did I feel a little hint of hope rising in my chest?

"You better keep your word if you're a man of his words like you told me, or else, I'll make sure this is pure hell to you," I glared at him and he just patted my head as if he has known me for a long time. I shook my head.

He does that once more and I'll snap his neck without any hesitation, I told myself.

"Now let me treat your wounds, seems like we'll be treating them for awhile since those assholes did not put a bandage to help it cover it up from possible germs and it might get worse if it's not treated properly. Come on, on the bed with your back towards me, I'll clean these up and bandage them properly so you won't get sick," he told me.

"What if I don't want you to do that?" I asked.

"Look, if you wanna get out of this hellhole, you better cope with me. I might get you out first, but I can't promise you that, but I'll try my best," he told me.

"How many times do you think I tried to escape and failed miserably?" I retorted with a hint of anger rising up my chest.

"Then I'll do what I do best, I'll persuade them," he told me.

I looked at him and then laughed at his face. "You're really naive if you think they can be persuaded that easily."

"Try me, you'd be surprised at how good I am to get what I want, when I want, and however I want it," he smirked.

For a mere second, I really thought he was crazy, probably more mad than these people with the smirk he added at the end, I gulped down my saliva and rolled my eyes.

"Words, words, words, I need actions, not words... what the hell is your name?" I asked.

"HyunDae Woo, but call me Doctor Woo," he told me.

"Alright... Who are you?" I asked, he was not just anyone, he has to be something more.

"I'm you're new assigned doctor here," he told me without any emotion in his face.

I looked at him up and down, kind of scanning him. He didn't look like a doctor at all, like hell, he looks so unrealistic now that I take a good look at him, "You look unreal to be human."

He sighed heavily as he then spoke the next words, "If you were trying to offend me because of my pale skin, I'm sorry but I'm good the way I am."

I scowled at him, he really didn't see my point of view, Asshole. "I hate you."

He chuckled and he looked at me in the eyes, "I don't like you either."

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