Chapter 3: Hello...

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Jimin's POV

"Did you miss me Jimin-ah?" the voice mocked me

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"Did you miss me Jimin-ah?" the voice mocked me.

No, I didn't, I thought.

"Too bad you have to deal with me once more," his grin got bigger by the second as he stepped out of the light. His eyes were black and that masochist smirk on his face made him look creepier.

When will you leave me alone? I thought.

"When you submit to me, Park," he told me.

You already have my body, do you want my soul as well? I asked.

"What do you think?" he tilted his head to the side.

If I give you all of me, there won't be more of me. I would be lost inside myself. I wouldn't have the chance to be myself anymore, I told him.

"That's exactly what I want, but for 8 years, you have refused me, Park. And... I think it's time you pay for all the waiting," his smirk disappeared and it was replaced by a dark aura around him.

No... please no... not again... I felt tears in my eyes. I didn't want to lose myself again, not in my dreams, not in real life, not in reality. Why...?

"What do you mean why? I have all the damn right to possess you!" he grabbed my hair and made me look at his black orbs.

Please... please... leave me alone... I pleaded mentally.

"Why are you pleading to leave you alone? Are you not sick of this place? Are you not sick of all the testings and the examinations they do on you?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" he shoved me and I fell backward.

Why do you always take the little sanity I have left...? I asked.

"That's my job, I have the right to control you when you're useless," he told me.

But... Aren't you me...? I asked.

He was me, I was him. It was sort of like the Yin Yang. We balanced one another. But... we never found harmony in one another. He was very manipulative, he wanted power and to rule over me. But for me...? What was of me? I was nothing to him, he could control me anytime he wished for, even if I tried to stop him.

I'm not what everyone thinks I am. I'm having problems with this demon who pretends to be me. In the past, I used to control him, but now he controls me. Why can't it be like before? That way... maybe... just maybe they would let me go. If I got better and I was healed... they would let me go.

I think he heard my thoughts because he then grabbed my neck and started to choke me. My eyes widen in fear and surprise, I did not expect him to hear that, I didn't want him to hear that, I didn't want him in my head anymore.

"Do you seriously think you can escape me? Just remember Jimin, I'm the other half of you. I control you and you do as I say unless you want me to punish you like last night. You're lucky they cut your nails, so I'll wait until they grow back and make you suffer," he threatened me.

Please no, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything that I was thinking. I'm really sorry, I'll be good, I'll behave, I'll do as you ask me but please... stop torturing me... I begged and he let go, I could breathe once more.

"Good boy, Jimin. Good boy," he patted my head and left me there, in my dark dreams and in the darkness.

...Hey... there isn't any blood-

I spoke too soon. I saw my mother again, in that car with her eyes wide open and blood coming out of her eyes, nose, and ears. Her car was dismantled once more, the smoke coming out and the Truck who hit her rather ran away as my mother coughed out blood out of her mouth.

I ran towards the car before it caught fire, but it was useless. The door was locked and I miserably tried to kick open the door or to break the window. I found something metal on the ground and hit the window with it, it broke but the car caught on fire.

"Jiminie... Let me die..." my mother pleaded.

"No, mom, don't worry. You'll be okay," I rapidly tried to pull her out, but she took my hands and looked at me in the eyes.

"Let go," she told me.

I felt tears in my eyes once more. "U-umma?"

"Let go," she repeated.

"Umma... I-I... I can't do that..." I felt my tears roll down.

"Move on," she coughed blood once more and her grip on my hands went weak.

I lost her once more...

[1]Yoonmin AU- "I Like You"Where stories live. Discover now