Chapter 19: Shot

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Yoongi's POV

We were surrounded, the attack already started and what I didn't know is that these maniacs had guns hidden

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We were surrounded, the attack already started and what I didn't know is that these maniacs had guns hidden. I covered Jimin meanwhile GA JR was shooting with the guns she managed to get by killing some of those bastards. The other people with mental problems decided to stay in their cells until it was over, they locked themselves inside. GA JR was clearing our way to the entrance of this building. Outside was a mess, we hear guns firing and cascades falling to the ground.

"Come on guys, we're almost out of here!" GA JR glared at us when she realized we stayed back a little.

"We're trying!" Jimin told her.

"Hurry your pretty asses before we get stuck here for God knows how long!" she shouted over the shower of bullets. She took cover in one corner and shot two maniacs down, she went to check if the coast was clear for me and Jimin to keep going. She signaled for us to stay down and to follow her.

I must admit, I agree with having a gun in my back pocket just for an emergency, not because I wanna use it. If she ever ran out of magazines for the guns, she told me to keep it to then give it to her.

Suddenly someone jumped her from her left side and she dropped the gun, the tall man was over her and she did what she does best, she pinched his nipples and he yelled in pain as she hovered on top of him and quickly snapped his neck.

"That was quick and bloodless," Jimin commented.

She picked up both guns and checked if she had enough bullets, "Welp, that's what we do without guns."

We followed her behind until we started to hear shots from behind us. She quickly turned and got in front of us as she started to shoot down those idiots. She turned to us, "Are you guys okay?!"

"Jimin?" I looked at him.

"Just a scratch, nothing that I can't handle," he told us as we all turned to look at his thigh, he was right, it just scratched him, it wasn't a deep cut.

"You guys go in front, if you see more idiots in front, tell me and I'll take them down, I'll stay back just in case," she told us and we nodded. We walked until we were in front of the building, but we noticed people in there with riffles, Jimin and I took cover as I signed to GA JR that there were 23 men in front with guns and rifles as well as shotguns.

She took the magazine out of the handguns and sighed, "I only have 5 bullets left in each gun, how many does that one have Yoongi?"

I quickly took out the gun and checked it, I felt a cold sweat on my forehead as I realized that it had only 5 bullets as well. I gulped, "Five bullets left."

"Fucking God, why now?" she glared at the ground as she cursed under her breath. "Give me the gun, you and Jimin hide over there and take cover if someone sees you guys, try to make a run for it to where I am and lay down on the ground as if you're dead. I'll take care of the rest."

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