Chapter 2: Jimin

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Jimin's POV

Jimin's POV

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pain pain pain pain pain

That was all my body felt.


I screamed louder this time. My back was dripping blood. My legs gave up on me. Only the shackles holding me supported me. I felt weak, it had been a long time since they have tested my duration for a long time. I don't know how much blood I lost this time. I felt my pants wet down to my thighs, I felt the stinging pain in my back and I felt them putting alcohol on my back. Making me arch my back and yelp in pain. I felt my tears roll down once more.

Why don't you die? What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you kill yourself if you're so tired of all the pain? Why the hell do you fight back when you know it's useless? Who the hell would care about you? Sick bastard! Why don't you just DIE?!?!

The voices in my head were getting louder and I then heard them talk.

"How is he even alive? If it was someone else he would have died already but he is one tough nut to bust open!" one of the psychopaths commented.

"This is why he is our favorite toy. He resists so much, we just have to be really careful. He has been cutting a lot these days," the other male added.

"Tell us Jiminie, how do you feel?" they asked.

I kept my mouth shut until one of them pressed deep into my fleshly made wounds. I yelled and begged for him to stop and after a good minute he stopped and chuckled.

"I... I... I feel... so... exhausted..." I panted.

"Aww, look at our favorite toy. He is so exhausted, should we inflict more pain for him to wake up?" the man asked.

"Nah, he learned his lesson. I don't think he will attack another doctor again. Not after this," the other man told him.

"Clean him up and give him new clothes to change to. Also, cut his fingernails, I see new marks and scars and these ones over here-" he traced the nape of my neck. "These seem recent, he probably was harming himself last night. Bad boy Jiminie, bad boy." he smacked my back, making me cry in pain.

I wish mother never died, I wish father never treated me like shit, I wish my uncle and aunt didn't bring me here, I wish my little brother was here to comfort me. Why did I have to suffer for all these 4 years trying to escape and scaring them? Sure, some of them feared me to death, they knew with a simple plastic knife I could take out one of their eyes. They constantly had my hands tightly tied. But that didn't stop me from trying to break free.

I was so sick, so sick of being here. I even tried to hang myself. But they eventually came by and cut the shirt I used to hang myself and punished me just like they did now. Today, I managed to hurt someone who tried to take my little tray of food today. The food in here might not be the best, but I haven't eaten a proper meal in 4 weeks. Only bread and water. My bones were so visible through my own skin. I lost a lot of weight in that month of being solitary. The ghosts of this place torment me. In that white room, where there are no colors nor any sound, just the silent made me lose my mind.

Why couldn't they understand that I was trying to defend myself from my abusive father? Not only that, but he was starting to mistreat my little brother. I will let it pass if it's me, but never if it's my little brother. He was the only one who brought me comfort and affection, sort of like mother, he reminded me of our mother.

I honestly miss her a lot, I miss her cooking, her sweet smile, her cheerful mood and how she would always kiss me good morning and good night. All of that was taken away from me. But once my school found out about the accident, they started to tease me. They told me my mother was a slut and that her lover sent someone to kill her in that car crash. My teachers didn't do anything, they just told me to ignore them. But... it hurt. I felt hurt, I was still hurting, but the emotional pain I had to go through was worse when my father started to take it out on me. Kicking me and insulting me.

"Look at him! He looks like a grape!" my classmates laughed when they lifted my shirt and saw all the bruises I have been hiding. I ran and hid in the Janitor's closet until school was over, but they found me and they pulled my hair, they banged my head against the wall and punched me in the face. They were too much for me to handle, I didn't even know how to defend myself. I was just a little kid.

Click! Clack!

I heard them open the shackles and my weak body went limp as I feel to the floor. I felt vulnerable, but the only thing keeping me alive is my mind.

When you get the chance, kill them. Kill kill kill kill kill!

I chuckled as they pulled me up by my arms and I felt the pain in my back as they dragged me out of the room and took me back to that solitary room. I hated this white room, it's where the demons at night haunt me the most, making me lose my self-control and haunt my dreams. All I dreamt with was blood and body parts with me as the one who dismantled them. I saw in my dreams how I killed everyone in here and set myself free to keep going with my insanity.

Was I sane? Nope, I lost my sanity in this place. They abused me emotionally and physically. But they never dared to go as far as to rape me or anything, just to inflict pain upon me until they finally assign another psychopath to be my doctor. No one wanted me as their patient, they knew I would hurt them in a split of a second.

I felt a sharp pain as they cleaned me with cotton balls with alcohol, it hurt so bad and my tears ran down my cheeks and I tried to hold in my screams. Eventually, I felt my eyes grow weak, they felt heavy.

"Jiminie, stand up dammit!" they shouted at me.

I tried to stand up but my legs gave up on me and I eventually blacked out.

Well well well, don't we have you back... Park Jimin, that fucking voice, I hated to heard it as I drifted to my sleep and the bloody dreams came back again.

[1]Yoonmin AU- "I Like You"Where stories live. Discover now