Chapter 11: "I'm Okay."

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Yoongi's POV

I texted a long message to Namjoon as soon as I arrived at my new apartment and with Holly in my arms

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I texted a long message to Namjoon as soon as I arrived at my new apartment and with Holly in my arms. She was well taken care of, she was well, she went to her doggie bed and went to sleep. I chuckled as I watched her sleep, which triggered a memory.

Mochi... I had him in my thoughts, how he was put to sleep once he had a major tantrum after hearing his abusers voices, mocking him with the nickname Jiminie.

He fought everyone who tried to put him down, but when he saw me, he ran to me and hid behind me like a little kid. He was scared, he was really scared. He only attacked to defend himself. I told them to go away, I turned to him and saw his tears rolling down his chubby cheeks. The pain in those eyes, like a little kid, he cried out as he asked me for help.

It broke me inside out, is this how a brother feels when a younger sibling is crying and asking for protection? The next thing I knew, he was shot with a tranquilizer on his neck and he fainted in my arms. I felt something inside me broke, and what I said next shocked me as much as it shocked them.

"You heartless beasts, it shouldn't be him in here but you idiotic psychos who only hurt him and other innocent people who have mental problems! How can you be so cold and heartless?! How would you feel if it was you and not them! How would you feel in their shoes?!" I carried Jimin in my arms and took him to his room, I took out the dark and put it in my pocket just in case he would use it to harm himself with it.

I went up to the office of that old woman and complain to her about the poor treatment. She sighed and lowered her glasses, "That's how we deal with them, they need to follow rules before we help them."

"What kind of bullshit is this?" I snarled at her and she seemed to be taken aback by my own actions, and now that I think about it, it shocks me too.


Jung Hoseok

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Jung Hoseok... where are you...? I teared up as I felt a lot of pain in my abdomen, my lip was cut, my nose was bleeding, my legs couldn't support me anymore. Where are you... Hobi...

WARNING: 16+ scenes ahead

I started to remember how we met, every time I feel like giving up, I remember how his existence in my life impacted me for the best. He worked for Yoongi, the Chief I put down in less than a minute. We had small talk, we got to know one another, but what made my heart flutter was how he confessed to me. He took me by surprise by kissing me out of nowhere when we were talking about the future and our hopes and dreams. Without wasting another second, I responded to his kiss. He grinned against my lips and I grinned in response.

"You're so unfair and unpredictable," I told him.

"Right, I stole a kiss from you, would you like it back?" he teased with a smirk on his face.

I played along and grinned, "I would love that actually."

We were in the bar, we were drinking and I guess the shot of vodka gave him the confidence to kiss me out of the blue. He pulled me closer and I kissed him, it felt like a desperate kiss rather than a needy one. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he then lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I don't know how he knew where the rooms of this club were but he softly me laid me down on a bed with petals and the sheet a silk red.

He broke the kiss and bit my lower lip, I whimpered as I felt the rush of pain turn to pleasure. What was he doing to me? I knew that I loved him way before this, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I thought he only looked at me as a friend since so many pretty chicks always went up to his desk and flirt with him. But it seems that the feeling was mutual. He sucked on my lip and started to massage my inner thighs. I let out a shaky moan as he proceeded to go upward through my short dress. My body was shaking, I was so into the idea of having him love me more than I expected him to. Just the idea of him being mine made me selfish enough.

He wasn't going to be anyone's as long as I live. He is my Hope, the reason why I kept fighting. And when I found out I was 2 weeks pregnant in this horrifying place, I tried my best to protect my growing child, but... their physical abuses killed him, the baby didn't have the chance to be born. How was I supposed to tell Hoseok after these murderous 2 years that I lost his child? How can I face him?

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