Chapter 37: Need

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Jimin's POV

After those events, I started to feel sore

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After those events, I started to feel sore. Yoongi went to wash up first, I stayed in bed, remembering what we did together. I blushed at the memory and at how gentle and worried he was that he hurt me. He was just as afraid as I was. I giggled and rolled on the bed, feeling so blissful and happy that he showed me how he felt about me. I smiled like an idiot despite the slight pain and soreness from my behind since I dropped myself too quickly on his dick. It sure did hurt, but good thing that he distracted me from the pain.

I felt happy, I shut my eyes and that's when reality hit me. He called me Baby boy and I called him Daddy. My eyes snapped open as I blushed so hard, embarrassed of myself. I had a mental breakdown and cursed at myself.

What the fuck?! Why did I call him that?! How embarrassing! begdcbu32nhj j'2b eftuywygtyfbu bytwghuyn.

I eventually wrapped myself like a taco with the blankets and I crawled like a worm off the bed, that's when Yoongi came out of the bathroom and looked down at me while laughing so hard. I blushed in embarrassment and stayed face down to the ground.

"Mochi, Baby boy, what are you doing?" he said while laughing.

"I'm not Mochi, I'm a taco," I laughed with him.

That made him laugh harder, "Come on you comedian, you need to wash up."

"Why?" I asked bluntly.

"Or... do you want me to go on you without preparing you?" He looked down at me while playing with the towel he was using to dry his hair.

I don't know how but I never rolled so fast in my life and stood up so quickly that I lost balance and tripped on my two feet and fell once more. Yoongi laughed again and helped me up.

"I was just joking around, I have the feeling that after tonight, you don't wanna go the second round since you might be sore," he kissed my temples and my face.

I giggled at his sweetness and his concern about my physical state, "You're not wrong, but we could try a second round later on."

"Mochi, no, you're sore, baby boy. I don't want you to be in pain tomorrow," he pinched my cheeks and kissed my nose so lovingly.

"Aish, stop attacking me with your sweetness," I blushed and playfully pushed his chest and he pouted.

"Is my aegyo too much to take in?" he asked and I looked at him once more, pouting like a puppy, making my heart flutter at how cute he was.

"Yes, now stop it before I decide to turn you to Daddy mode once more," I gave him a playful glare and he smirked.

"Not gonna complain about that, but you would tomorrow," he winked and my heart skipped a beat.

"How do you always manage to turn the tables around?" I laughed.

"It's called Swag, Mochi. My Swag is too strong," he told me.

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