Chapter 31: Fake Love

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I felt arms in my hospital bed, arms that held me in place

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I felt arms in my hospital bed, arms that held me in place. I was so entangled in this person's embrace that I literally linked my legs with his. My arms around his neck and my hands entangled in his messy hair. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the literal sun in my arms once more. My heart started to beat faster.

Seeing him this close, seeing how peaceful he looked. I looked over at the clock, it was 6:29 AM. I looked back at Hoseok, the sun in my darkest days, he was once again, in my arms like before. I started to recall our conversation from yesterday when Ash went home.

He stayed, even when I asked him to go home and rest.

"And let someone hurt you like before? Hah! You're kidding me, right?" he gave me a disbelief look.

"But what about Ji-"

"Please, I realized how I feel about her," he told me.

I paid attention, "What do you feel for her?"

"What I felt for her wasn't love, it was the appreciation for always being there for me. If it was love, I would never have kissed you. But then again, I guess all those kisses and stuff we did was just because we thought we felt the same. But I guess that what I felt for her was... Fake love. However, what I feel about you is stronger, it's not just appreciation that I feel, I feel... whole."

Those words, I have been dying for you to tell me. How you felt about me after 2 freaking years of being separated. Not only were you my only hope in the darkness of those 2 years, but also the only thing that kept me sane in that Asylum.

I love you... so bad. I love you so mad, you don't know how it broke me apart when Yoongi told me that you were with Jisoo. It broke me, I couldn't breathe properly, I felt so hurt. When you noticed my eyes watering, you came close and laid with me on my hospital bed and hugged me. You let me cry on your chest like a little kid and cried with me. You... why do you mess with my heart? I hate you but I love you at the same time. How is that even possible?

My legs and his were tangled together, it was as if last night, we became one once again. But it wasn't sensual, it was just out of love, nothing romantic, just... being there for one and the other. I didn't have a nightmare, not last night.

I actually had a pleasant dream. I was walking on the beach with him, with children in between us. It was 4 children, 2 boys, and 2 girls. The boys looked like me by the eyes and the nose by Hoseok, they had my lips but had his ears. The boys had his smile. The girls looked like him by the eyes, but their lips were mine. They had my nose and ears, but the aura of their father. The girls smiled and they had his hidden dimples and my sharp teeth. We were happy, everything was perfect, a picnic near the shore and playing with the water under the sun.

One of the boys had blond hair and one of our daughters had blond hair too. Why? Because my father had blond hair, they will pass down that trait of their grandfather to their children and their children's children will have one that has blond hair. They had our genes, half from me and half from him. I just hope that one day, this dream will come true.

Miu is very happy with Jisung, he has been improving in his new job and his production skill with the songs he composes for SM. He gets well paid and no one can say that he isn't a hard-working young man, because hell, he really has improved so much and has been treating Miu like a literal Queen. And now, with more reason, because she is one month pregnant.

I'm very happy for them, they deserve all the happiness of this world. But I'm just scared that all of this happiness won't last. Something deep in my gut tells me that something wrong will happen. That something isn't right since Jisung told me that her sister isn't even trying to search for them anymore. That's very weird since he told me that she was the one who threatened him to treat Miu the way he used to, like a cold bastard.

She isn't trying to search for them? I'm not buying that, and even if everything seems to be running smoothly, we all know that soon or later, something bad will happen. I want to recover as soon as possible, I even asked doctor Lee Taeyong if he could do something about it, but he told me that he with some colleges have been trying to make something to make people heal fast, but they haven't tested it on a human but a rat. The rat did heal, but they don't know how would it be like to a human. They hurt the rat once more, and it was as if there was only a scratch and it closed as if nothing had ever happened.

Could it work for me? I wanna know, but he did warn me that there might be a side effect since rats have a small body and humans are 12 times bigger than them. He did warn me that if I feel something weird, to tell him and he will write it down. We agreed that it would be later on today. I didn't want to be stuck in this bed anymore. Not only that, but there is a serial killer on the lose and this killer doesn't leave a trace behind. A professional killer if you tell me. But he/she always wrote something with their victim's blood.

"I'll be going for you soon enough."

Who was he/she trying to tell that to? Was it to someone in specific? Was he/she hurt by someone and decided to terrify the living shit out of them? Their victims looked like... like... how can I say this? They had their mouths slit open, their jaws hung and their tongues were cut. Stabbed to death, their eyes were taken out, some were burned, some were skinned. It sends shivers down your spine just looking at the images in the News. It really is scary how this person kills and tortures their victims.

Whoever this person is... they are bloodthirsty. They want more blood to shed, they want revenge if possible, but it looks like this person loves to plant fear in people's minds every day. And every night, the stores now close early. At 6 PM, everyone has to be home. No one can trust the streets anymore. Only the gangsters who think they are so tough end up dead by this person, and each victim, has a different mark. This person carves numbers in them as if counting how many people this person has killed.

What scares me is, that one camera caught a glimpse of his/her face, and... if I was, to be honest, this person looks like me.

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